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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:14 pm
by Urb85
Hey guys, many people stated this as a fake including me, but after a while I found the source files for PNESP (NES Emulator for the PSP), here is the link: ...

I am not a C programmer so I couldn't state if it is fake or what?
I would be pleased if somebody could state this.

Thanks a lot

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:19 pm
by MelGibson
still fake


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:27 pm
by Urb85
Thanks for let me know so soon
I have been looking into the code, it seems to call some Allegro Library.
I strongly think is a NES emulator for Linux.
Thanks anyway.


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:44 pm
by annerajb
i am not a c++ genius but thats fake if you open the make file in notepad it says make:nes9x.exe

Code: Select all

CC      = gcc
OBJECTS = nes9x.o mapper.o M6502.o Debug.o
OBJAT = video.o svga.o keys.o misc.o
OBJ98 = dmysnd.o
SOURCE1 = nes9x.c mapper.c M6502.c Debug.c video.c svga.c keys.c misc.c dmysnd.c
SOURCE2 = nes9x.h M6502.h Codes.h Tables.h video.h vgakeybo.h palette.h sb.h makefile

ARC = pkzip -a
VER = 01
BINARC = nes9x${VER}.zip
SRCARC = nes9x${VER}

all: nes9x.exe 
nes9x.exe: ${OBJECTS} ${OBJAT}
        ${CC} -s -o nes9x ${OBJECTS} ${OBJAT}

zip: ${BINARC} ${SRCARC}

dasm:	dasm.c
	${CC} -o dasm dasm.c

M6502.o:	M6502.c M6502.h Tables.h Codes.h
Debug.o:	Debug.c M6502.h
nes9x.o: nes9x.c nes9x.h m6502.h
mapper.o: mapper.c nes9x.h
misc.o: misc.c

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:34 pm
by pixel
Duplicate of another thread. Locked and moved to off topic.