If this needs to be moved so be it, but has anyone noticed grx staying really faint in the backgroud while using the browser..
I almost thought is was burnin.. Using the Web Portal by fugimax I notice that the google image in the right hand corner along w/ the other grx (text doesnt do it) was still visable while I was on my website Ive just created.. BTW this website is formated for PSP and is being used (gunna) to let other poke around w/ the file viewer and such..
but anyways the images stayed until i went back to the main PSP menu (where yet I could still see it) I had to reset the PSP to clear it from the screen.. Could it be that the PSP isnt dropping image data thats causing this.. (I know it was stated w/ a previous file that was made seem to be pullin images from RAM)
or is it something w/ the formating of my website which can be found here
edit - wanted to add only seem to show after running my JavaScript test link?? not sure why, I was testing out scrolling text via JavaScript.. Also if you look close enuf you can read the text too.. Now also if you back back up to the portal page it disappears again till you try the Java link.. ??
any clue anyone?? The PSP doesnt understand fully the script either but still runs it.. Instead of a scrolling text box it only displays a text input box.. but no errors..
update - only happens once per run of the game.. I have to exit back to menu each time to recreate it.. (only happens when you back back up to the google page for the portal, then it disappears)
Faint Images While using browser
Moderator: cheriff