Key Found? -Teamxecuter
Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 12:32 am
Saw this link from another forum... ... ew_topic=3
First here's a little easter egg we found in Sony's PSP Encryption (All goodness comes to those that wait.....)
.adata:0043DD96 loc_43DD96: ; CODE XREF:
.adata:0043DD96 ; .adata:0043DD90j
.adata:0043DD96 mov dword ptr [ebp+848Ch], 6675636Bh
6675636Bh = "fuck" hahaha
Can anyone help with this? It looks like they found where the key is being stored in memory? (or somthing to that effect?) ... ew_topic=3
First here's a little easter egg we found in Sony's PSP Encryption (All goodness comes to those that wait.....)
.adata:0043DD96 loc_43DD96: ; CODE XREF:
.adata:0043DD96 ; .adata:0043DD90j
.adata:0043DD96 mov dword ptr [ebp+848Ch], 6675636Bh
6675636Bh = "fuck" hahaha
Can anyone help with this? It looks like they found where the key is being stored in memory? (or somthing to that effect?)