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For Mrbrown

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2004 4:34 am
by hermes
Mrbrown says:


It's disconcerting to see you try and turn a useful development tool into something used for warez. I'm locking this thread, and if I see you in any more threads talking about CDVD emulation or circumvention, I'm banning you from these forums.

Well, I can see that in this forum the freedom of expression does not exist
and either the innocence presumption.

I have not created that module for use warez. My intention is simple to make possible the use of Mediaplayer 1.50 and other applications of scene
it is illegal ? or it is only illegal when the damn Hermes makes the things?

Clear, mrbrown has the power of a God and if it can decide what is well and what is badly. I believe that you would have to be more respectful with me. If you fear that another person can use that module for warez, I can encrypted it in my application and take the necessary precautions so that that does not happen

mrbrow, you discovered the exploit of TITLE.DB, supposedly for legality acts. Well, I am in agreement with that but if I judge it of the same form that you, the exploit is used to load applications of scene how PGEN or PS2R Mediaplayer. PGEN uses roms with copyright and the Mediaplayer can be used with illegal films screener, illegal MP3 and JPG of infantile pornography

therefore, if we want to be twisted, you have published the exploit to load warez. no? sure, you have good intention, not like the damn Hermes, that he published an application that allowed the load of backup of your original game (legal in Europe and of course in Spain)

Sure, the Spanish laws do not have value, only have value the USA laws, that allow me to go to a supermarket and to buy machine gun. true?

well, I know that you hate to me and that only you want to see bad things of me. For that reason, I will understand that you prohibit the access to this forum because you do not want to see the things from another point of view that is not yours.

and how always, all the things can be spoken, but when I enter with good intentions and it does not treat how a delinquent.

I am only going to make a last request: if as much it worries to you that warez using UMCDR can be loaded, i want that you eliminate the part where I describe how the module works, to avoid that somebody copies my work and that you say to him to Drakonite that clears the table of symbols of its module, that to play much to decide what is well and is bad and soon we commit the stupidity of not clearing the symbols.

if I tomorrow do not have access to this page, I will released the source code of cdx.irx.

I do not share your opinion of which we must limit our freedom, for avoid that some guy can make illegal practices with our work. The software is not bad or good by itself. If somebody uses it bad, for that they are the courts.

by respect, I am going to codify the module, but I only will respect it if you respect to me.

Now if you want, you can do banning to me :(


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:49 am
by wyrm
Hermes make an interesting point, I'm sure in the UK we are allowed to make backup's of software we have purchased legitimatly. But due to copy protection methods we are unable to use them. Are software companies infringing on our rights? who knows, or cares, when my original disks are fsk'ed I resort to my backups. Back 2 trawling through sdk.... (ps2 is one complicated machine ...sigh!)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:06 pm
by Guest
wyrm wrote:Hermes make an interesting point, I'm sure in the UK we are allowed to make backup's of software we have purchased legitimatly. But due to copy protection methods we are unable to use them. Are software companies infringing on our rights? who knows, or cares, when my original disks are fsk'ed I resort to my backups. Back 2 trawling through sdk.... (ps2 is one complicated machine ...sigh!)
I have to disagree.

Maybe its because, in my entire life, I have never managed to destroy
or damage a CDROM or a DVDROM that I have purchased. I was
always concerned about magnetic media and thought backups were
important for them...but optical ? You either need to be very negligent
in taking care of your own property, or just got your home wiped out
by a natural disaster. Insurance is good for the latter, being more
careful is good for the former.

I don't know the numbers, but I strongly believe that 99% of all "backups"
in existance are warezed. I also strongly believe that 99% of all people
who talk about the need for backups, really want to be able to warez.
I have a hard time believing that people who strenuously promote the
need for "backups" or to play "backups" are sincere. It reminds me of
the time in college when people will write to the newspaper saying that
illegality of Marijuana is stupid because it has many beneficial uses,
especially in making hemp rope, and the rope industry would really
benefit if it was legalized again. It is an amazing college student that
cares so much about rope, and has no interest at all in other purposes.

I used to think the warez issue was overhyped. When the industry
complained about warez, or other people complained about warez,
it was an overblown issue. I bought all of my stuff, and all of my
friends and coworkers bought their stuff. But then when I visit other
countries, I see how there are whole marketplaces of dozens of shops
selling every possible expensive application for less than $5 per CD
or DVD. This was in Asia(not Japan). Then for internet based warez'ing,
I see how entrenched it is in Europe. I became sickened when I waited for
that newest PS2 game, purchased it, enjoyed it, and then saw it being
traded on the internet. The people who wrote that game deserve their

So, to all of you who want to be able to play legitimate backups:
if it will cost you money to replace it, take better care of it! I have
a hard time to beleive you care so much about rope!


Re: For Mrbrown

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 2:07 pm
by Guest
hermes wrote:
Sure, the Spanish laws do not have value, only have value the USA laws, that allow me to go to a supermarket and to buy machine gun. true?
Yeah, I know you said "For MrBrown" but you posted this publicly and
not privately. If you only wanted MrBrown to respond, you should have
sent this privately to him, instead of trying to make a public statement.

You might need more understanding of American gun laws if you want
to use them to make a point. Any hollywood movie, especially the
fictional "documentary" known as "Bowling for Columbine" (Columbine
happened, most of what is shown in the movie did not), is a poor way
to understand the United States. It is like watching "Lord of the Rings"
to understand New Zealand, "Godzilla" to understand Japan, or "Harry
Potter" to understand Britain.

It is extremely difficult to buy a machine gun in a supermarket.
Machine guns (a gun that fires more than one bullet for each time
the trigger is pulled) are extremely restricted. It requires alot of
money, months of waiting and several backgroun checks, and the
location of an existing registered machinegun, and a licensed firearms
dealer, in order to buy one. No new fully automatic weapons can be
sold to civilians, only pre-existing registered weapons before certain
laws were passed. It can cost around $10,000 to make an average
purchase, and the costs rise every year because, again, no new
weapons can be sold, only ones registered many years ago.

Semi-automatic weapons and revolver handguns are more easily
purchased. Some of these can look the same as military style
weapons, but most people don't realize that there is little difference between
military and hunting weapons, except that military weapons are often
fully automatic. They fire the same bullets at the same speeds and
cause the same amount of damage per bullet.

It *might* be possible to purchase non-military weapons in a
supermarket (Heck, Walmart used to sell guns, and many still sell
ammunition for hunting, which can be used in most weapons anyway).
But, the computer background checks would still be required, and
proof of age over 21 a must. The same supermarket would *not*
be allowed to sell alcohol. Since a supermarket can make more money
selling alcohol than selling weapons, I think most will choose alcohol.
Selling firearms is better for dedicated gun stores where the people
are more knowledgeable about laws and weapons and better able
to control the sale (although, like anywhere, some stores are better
than others).


Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:22 am
by wyrm
I have young kids in the same house who dont appreciate that a ps2 game costs nearly £50. So I modded their ps2 and let them play backups, when they destroy one I just burn em another copy of it, seemed sensible to me. AFAIK no copyright laws are being broken, and before someone goes off on one I do agree that programers should get their copensation for hard work and I dont own any illegal backups, but I do wonder about people in the same situation as me who are not as handy with a soldering iron.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:44 am
by Guest
wyrm wrote:Gorim:
I have young kids in the same house who dont appreciate that a ps2 game costs nearly £50.

It is not for me to tell you how to be a parent and teach children the
value of objects around them, responsibility, and so on... However,
when the time comes that you do feel tired of approaching them
from such a position of helplessness, I might have a few thing to
suggest that would resolve it for your betterment and theirs.

In the meantime, while you are trying to cope with your current
situation, I do hope you would not suggest that others try handle
it the same way.

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 2:00 am
by wyrm
hehehe :), who said anything about being a parent :), anyway I'm going back to silent mode and skulking around reading other peoples more relevant posts, sorry for causing a distraction.

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 8:00 am
by J.F.
gorim wrote:Maybe its because, in my entire life, I have never managed to destroy
or damage a CDROM or a DVDROM that I have purchased. I was
always concerned about magnetic media and thought backups were
important for them...but optical ? You either need to be very negligent
in taking care of your own property, or just got your home wiped out
by a natural disaster. Insurance is good for the latter, being more
careful is good for the former.
Good for you! The rest of us live in the real world where guests/kids sit on your latest CD/DVD/game, or step on it, or leave it in the sun, or write on the active surface with an indelible pen. Personally, I've got a few dozen music CDs in a box somewhere from the last time I moved. Darned if I can find the stupid things, but at least I have my rips to listen to while trying to find them. Now if I only had backups of the books that were in the same box...
I don't know the numbers, but I strongly believe that 99% of all "backups"
in existance are warezed. I also strongly believe that 99% of all people
who talk about the need for backups, really want to be able to warez.
I have a hard time believing that people who strenuously promote the
need for "backups" or to play "backups" are sincere.
Now you're just pulling numbers out of your butt. Trying pulling your head out too. It's nowhere near that number. Even the RIAA and MPAA agree on that much. They sell magnitudes more official merchandice than is ever claimed to be pirated, and everyone knows the number they claim is VASTLY over-hyped.
So, to all of you who want to be able to play legitimate backups:
if it will cost you money to replace it, take better care of it! I have
a hard time to beleive you care so much about rope!
"Better care of it" doesn't cut it in the real world. Yes, MOST of my stuff is still intact, but the few items which have been damaged or even just self-destructed ON THEIR OWN more than make up for what I've spent on being sure I can back it up. Tell me you don't make a copy of your $180 Windows XP just in case. I'm not about to spend ANOTHER $180 on another copy of XP because SOMETHING happened to the first. Home owners insurance also doesn't cover such "small" items. If it did, using your insurance would cause your rates to go up.