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PS2/PSP game coding competition?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 10:35 am
by Drakonite
I'm trying to get an idea how many people would be interested in entering a ps2/psp game coding competition?

The details aren't worked out yet, however if there is enough interest it should happen.

Re: PS2/PSP game coding competition?

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:30 am
by ginka
Don't just make it a game competition ( it'll be tough to right a decent game in a short time ) - add a couple of categories, like best demo or best new game library, etc. I'd be entering for the PSP...

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 12:08 pm
by Drakonite
I won't preclude that as an option, but keep in mind one of the primary reasons for the competition will be to help spur development of homebrew games.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:23 pm
by cheriff
Well I for one voted definately on the ps2 side of things.
I think it would be neat if folks just popped a quick post along with their vote so we can all get a guage of who's doing what. There are a few names that keep popping up on the forums and I'd be very interested to see what sort of stuff they can churn out!

As for the type of the compo, I say either leave it at games only, or perhaps games & demos (combined or seperate, i dunno). We dont want to spread this too thin and end up with 5 categories with 2 or 3 people in each.
For things like game/gfx libs it shouldn't be too much hassle to build a simple game on top of it, aiming a high score in the technicality/eyecandy checkboxes to subsidise than gameplay/originality fields..

just my 2c.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:38 pm
by J.F.
I voted possible PS2 game. I don't have a PSP yet... probably won't get one until later this year. While there are many different things you could do, games are what usually draw people. Demos are good, but nothing hooks them more than being able to pick up the controller and interact with the system.

Im ready

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:42 pm
by LionX
im ready to do a game for the PS2, so I Vote For PS2

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:50 pm
by Oobles
It looks as though we have a quorom of people interested in running a competition. I am one of the people who won't be entering, so am volenteering to host it as a competition. I've never hosted a competition before, so will need some help on rules, etc.

I am currently looking into the cost of getting ps2dev branded t-shirts, caps and mugs as prizes for the competitions. Because we don't have any designs for these things, there is likely to be a competition for best ps2dev t-shirt,cap, mug design, with prizes being winning your design. Would anyone enter such a design competition?

Other people are looking into other prizes. No guarantees on if we can get any other prizes yet.

The rules are still a work in progress. I'm looking for comments on them.

Competition 1. PS2 Game

- A homebrew PS2 game using any open source tools available. No entries using commercial SDK, or Game engines.
- The game must be original and not a port of someone elses game. A remake is ok, aslong as source from an original is not used.
- The game does not need to be a new game. A game previously released can be a valid entry. (Note: Does this need something else, so things like bunny tetris are not entered?)
- The game will be judged equally on the following: game play, uniqueness, graphics, and sound.
- Five judges will be used to judge each of these.

Prizes: To Be Announced

Competition 2. PSP Game

- A homebrew PSP game using any open source tools available. No entries using commercial SDK, or Game engines.
- The game must be original and not a port of someone elses game. A remake is ok, aslong as source from an original is not used.
- The game does not need to be a new game. A game previously released can be a valid entry. (Note: Does this need something else, so things like bunny tetris are not entered?)
- The game will be judged equally on the following: game play, uniqueness, graphics, and sound.
- Five judges will be used to judge each of these.

Prizes: To Be Announced

Competition 3. PS2DEV t-shirt, cap or mug.

- A graphical design for a ps2dev t-shirt, cap or mug. This will be clarified when I receive costs for each.
- Entries must advertise ps2dev web site including both ps2dev and pspdev.
- Entries must be original work and not include copyrighted material.
- Entries may be used to promote the site and be sold on the site to raise funds for future competitions.

Prizes: One of each of the t-shirt, cap or mug created.

What else needs to be added to these competition rules to make them fair?

David. aka Oobles.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:12 pm
by Drakonite
Oobles wrote: I am currently looking into the cost of getting ps2dev branded t-shirts, caps and mugs as prizes for the competitions. Because we don't have any designs for these things, there is likely to be a competition for best ps2dev t-shirt,cap, mug design, with prizes being winning your design. Would anyone enter such a design competition?
Yes, in fact I've already given you my entries ;) ... just the basic ps2dev logo on the items. Either white/gray/black with logo centered on front. Preferably white or black, but black is uber expensive, so most likely white.. Gray would be a decent option as well.

Simply put, I think a lot of people would agree with me when I say having some ps2dev swag would OWN.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:23 pm
by Drakonite
The rules do sound good so far.
About the 5 judges... Are you saying if there are more than 5 willing and eligable judges you would still restrict it to just 5?

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 11:19 pm
by f_bohmann
please dont start before breakpoint 06, which is during the easter weekend. after that, i'd probably like to take part.


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:52 am
by Drakonite
Why should it matter if it's "started' before breakpoint? As long as there is ample time for people to still get things done?

In some respects it has already begun.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:57 am
by J.F.
Indeed. I've already started sketching out details for a game to enter. Probably, most of the people who expressed an interest have already started marking down ideas on notepads. What matters is not when it starts, but when it ends. Some people might actually be taking a longer view of things and be working on a game for the NEXT competition after this one (possibly because they work slow, are very busy, or their game is very ambitious).