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Boxy II version 0.2

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 6:06 am
by Ghoti
Hi folks, (don't know if this is the correct forumpart to post it but i will hear)

I'm busy with a lumines clone with alot of extra's. I've finished version 0.1 of my game Boxy II. It has only the essentials in it. But i'd like you guys to play a little around and report bugs in this tread if you like :)


It's a lumines clone. You drop blocks of four colorized blocks on each other. The idea is to get as many squares of the same color. Every level you get new backgrounds. There are several bonuspoints for doing some great things with the blocks.

Special on this version are the two new game modes. Chaos and Trigame.

Chaos is a new game mode in which alot of extra's can be done. Special explosion blocks that eliminate the surrounding blocks in a given area, anti-gravity time, compact frenzy, drunken man and some small other extra bonusses.

Trigame: Trigame is lumines with three kinds of colors. This will make the game more interesting.

Boxy II is fully customizable. You can make your own skins (or themes) that can be placed in the themes directory.


- the two game modes are yet to be implemented
- special blocks which delete every attached block of the same color
- ingame menu
- game over screen
- options

What i need from you guys if you want:

- Themes :D if have only three themes yet with this release
- bugs feedback
- some info if it works on FW 2.0 or how i can let it work on 2.0
- only usefull feedback please, i'm just starting with psp programming, it's my first game so don't expect to much.

Link to download:
see below

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:23 pm
by frmariam
Well I don't know if you're checking the DC emu forum but there are some reports there (I also reported there since the email to activate my acount here took a long time...).

Besides those reports I can also say that in 2.0 it'll have a strange behaviour ingame if the home button is active in the eLoader .cfg file. Some other apps also have this problem. Minor anoyance and most won't even notice it since the home button is off by default (some apps won't work with it on) and it only works in 2.0 (not any higher fw through GTA). I just disabled it for Boxy in the per EBOOT section. Would be nice if you could fix this though...

It also seems that sometimes it'll freeze while changing the theme (not sure since it's very rare and random...)

Looking forward for a next release :)

Boxy II version 0.2

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:04 am
by Ghoti
Hi folks,

i've made a new version of Boxy II (version 0.2)

The classic game is done at this moment (1 bug is still to be corrected...)
a added a random game mode so that the backgrounds are randomized.
well the principle of the game is the same as before.

here are some screenshots:


release notes:

version 0.2 second release

These are the items I added and the bugfixes.

thanks for all the feedback guys it was alot of help :D

version 0.1 works on FW2.0 w/eLoader.97, and eMenu--01. (tnx yamabigdog and frmariam (EMU forum))


- New game mode (Random game, runs the game with random backgrounds)
- Special blocks (Blocks that eliminate all connecting blocks.)
- special effects for killing blocks
- themes expansion (images for the special blocks, images for fx killing blocks)
- screenshot maker :) (use the triangle button ingame to take it, it is saved as ss.png so only one screen shot at the time can be taken. Note this only works when ss.png already exist in the root of your psp otherwise the psp will probebly crash)
- different speeds per level.
- 1 new skin (pink world, for the ladies :D)


- typo Choas -> Chaos :) (tnx leon3142)
- reordering of blocks that are marked but shouldn't be. (tnx Psyberjock for noticing)
- special block overflow
- The second bugfix also fixed the problem of marked for deletion block and just marked block above eachothercrashing the game (tnx frmariam for the feedback and the nice photo's)

Still to come

- Chaos game mode (still busy with it, a few specials are in place)
- Trigame game mode (not sure if it will be implemented)
- Mp3 playback (I will not include any copyright protected music so you'll have to add the yourselved probebly :S )
- Game over screen makeover :)
- Highscores for each game mode
- Animated backgrounds (don't know sure yet)
- strange bugs posted on the EMU forum haven't fixed them yet, still working on them. (when you press left at the same high as the blocks left or rigth.)

What i need :)

- Who wants to make some skins? please contact me at [email protected]
- Offcourse testing :) and reporting bugs, thanks those who did
- please mail me or give feedback through the ps2dev forums and please do so in english or dutch
- one of my png's is damaged in my psp, i can't seem to delete the file for somereason it removes it but it appears again without doing anything. any ideas?

version 0.1 first release

- basic game elements

Special thanks for all the replies, i try to look at all the sites but I didn't knew there were so many, please contact me at [email protected] or on this forum (

here is the download: BoxyII version 0.2

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 11:26 pm
by frmariam
Big report (hope you don't freak XD ):

*Some random crashes... Happened to me several times (maybe during level change, square deletion or the line crossing a dropping square??)...
*Sometimes some blocks marked for deletion won't get deleted (like when the line sweeps only half of the blocks marked... depends on timing and only happens sometimes...). Didn't happen before... Is this the real Lumines behaviour (the same happens in Luamines)?
*In some images it's written "bones" instead of "bonus".
*In the Future world skin the 2x Bonus and 4x bonus don't have any ! after (just to make everything consistent :p ).
*There is no 3x bonus (maybe this is on purpose).
*Sometimes there seems be a graphical glitch in the vertical line that sweeps the screen. Happens mainly after you play a while and after squares are deleted (kind of random though...).
*Sometimes there will be a sort of blink or animation near the top left corner of the ingame screen (outside where the pieces are).
*I can swear sometimes the special squares don't count as a normal just to make number for the squres to be deleted...
*The old marked over deleted bug will now turn the marked/deleted (just one of the two) into special squares (kind of random).

Some suggestions:

*Zip the gfx and use an unzipping library (like Ruka's unzip lib) to load them. It could save some precious MB in the MS. This is one of the things I think that every game should have (a way to archive/compress gfx/sounds)... But only if the framerate doesn't drop drasticly :p
*Add sounds and musics to the themes or allow user to listen to the music in ms0:/psp/music (use L&R or the analog or whatever). Bet this is on the to do list right :)
*Allow the block to rotate clockwise and counter clockwise with different buttons (handy when you are short on time).

Great release! I'm becoming addictde to Lumines like games XD Can't wait for the next modes to be added!

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:19 am
by Ghoti

whow that is alot :S thanks for the feedback
*Some random crashes... Happened to me several times (maybe during level change, square deletion or the line crossing a dropping square??)...
hmmm I will try to find them and fix them. the problem is that i made it so i also play it like i make it, so that way i don't do anything unexpected. Shall try to test different :S this should get the main focus!
*Sometimes some blocks marked for deletion won't get deleted (like when the line sweeps only half of the blocks marked... depends on timing and only happens sometimes...). Didn't happen before... Is this the real Lumines behaviour (the same happens in Luamines)?
Yes this is normal Lumines behaviour :) in the previous version i did not have it, someone at the DCEMU forum showed me the bug :)

*In some images it's written "bones" instead of "bonus".
Hmmm i should correct that hope that i can do that for all skins (dumb... i did not save them all as projects :( )
*There is no 3x bonus (maybe this is on purpose).
This is an option i'm not planning to include, i must be honest that i am not sure how lumines does this but this score scheme works for me so i won't add times 3 bonus.
*Sometimes there seems be a graphical glitch in the vertical line that sweeps the screen. Happens mainly after you play a while and after squares are deleted (kind of random though...).
I have noticed also, i really have no idea where it comes from :( however it is not the most problem giving bug so i will try to fix this as last.
*Sometimes there seems be a graphical glitch in the vertical line that sweeps the screen. Happens mainly after you play a while and after squares are deleted (kind of random though...).
noticed it but the code isn't the problem itself, maybe my crowded render code is the problem that it renders one frame out of 2 renders or something. I clean the render buffer but it seems to be included still
*I can swear sometimes the special squares don't count as a normal just to make number for the squres to be deleted...
what do you mean exactly with this?
*The old marked over deleted bug will now turn the marked/deleted (just one of the two) into special squares (kind of random).
will look into it.
*Zip the gfx and use an unzipping library (like Ruka's unzip lib) to load them. It could save some precious MB in the MS. This is one of the things I think that every game should have (a way to archive/compress gfx/sounds)... But only if the framerate doesn't drop drasticly :p
hmm the size is only under 4 mb so that isn't that much ?
*Add sounds and musics to the themes or allow user to listen to the music in ms0:/psp/music (use L&R or the analog or whatever). Bet this is on the to do list right :)
Yes i have already the code (tutorial of the yelarb site) but it crashes when a mp3 is not the correct size and i am not sure yet how i can overcome this cause the mp3player code provided is not my code and i haven't gotten to decyphering that code yet but yes it will be included
*Allow the block to rotate clockwise and counter clockwise with different buttons (handy when you are short on time).
already done that before i read this thread :)

Thanks again for your feedback one question though do you have firmware 2.0 on which you play it? cause i do all the testing on 1.5 and i haven't got that many random crashes yet but i will look into it, once agian thanks.

greets ghoti

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:45 am
by frmariam
Sorry for such a big report :p Yes all play... err testing was done in a 2.0 PSP using eLoader 0.97 (with eMenu 0.1) through tiff exploit.

I'll try to reproduce that point you didn't understand to take a photo... I can't quite put it into a decent sentence. Linguistic barrier :p

As it is the game doesn't take much (though it takes more than the almost 2 MB it takes on the PC).

I always wandered why files take so much space in the MS... Is it the way it's formatted? Because my 1.03 MB ofline web portal takes about 13 MB (!!!) in the stick... A bunch of small files seem to take way more than a single archive containing them...


Quite hard to reproduce since I didn't remember for sure what I did... The game will go on and if you drop more squares of the same color it'll disapear (like normally happens)

Here is the pic:


Also another one I forgot from the old release. When a piece is droping (4 squares) and when it's almost touching the ground (other pieces that is) , if you mve it quickly to land over 3 squares (2 on base and one on top), sometimes it'll freeze the game (I mean the line and timer will still go on but no more pieces will drop).

Here is a pic (camera one since I used the screen capture for the other one):


Also the timer keeps counting while in pause (maybe this is on purpose).

About the mp3 maybe GeMP source can help. Before Homer left it he was adding a mp3 player to work while playng gb/gbc roms. I guess it's not in the final polished shape but can still be helpful. GeMP (Homer's Rin) was always developed with 2.0+ in mind (this was what made him get in this project in the first place) so everything should be in usermode :) ... /catid/121

Please don't hate me for reporting these :p