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Alien vs Predator on PSP?

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 6:54 pm
by Bob1986
I don't know if anyone can still remember Alien vs Predator. Although it didn't get extraordinary high ratings back in 2001, it was one of the most scarry video games ever released (Yes, I played System Shock :).
You can get more information here: ... er_game%29

Quite a while ago, the Source Code for this awful game was released. It can be obtained via this link:

I'd love to play this game on PSP, but i can't code. I started some coding a while ago, but as i study medecine, i nearly have no time to start PSP Programming :(
Nevertheless, I am no noob that expects a full working Port in two days. I know that this is quite a hard task, but it should be possible compared to the tasks the Community has already solved!

If you can code and have no running projects, maybe this is worth a try!