One of them is that libmc still 'remembers' having initialized with mcInit before the reset, and refuses to allow it to be done again, even though I've loaded new instances of MCMAN+MCSERV to IOP.
I made some slight changes to libmc.h and libmc.c, which eliminated the problem:
In libmc.h I defined MC_TYPE_RESET:
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// values to send to mcInit() to use either mcserv or xmcserv
#define MC_TYPE_MC 0
#define MC_TYPE_XMC 1
//RA NB: mcInit(MC_TYPE_RESET) after IOP Reset, to forget old modules
//RA NB: This will not reinitialize anything for use of MC. To do that
//RA NB: you will need to mcInit(MC_TYPE_MC) or mcInit(MC_TYPE_XMC),
//RA NB: after having loaded modules to the IOP again.
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int mcInit(int type)
unsigned int i;
int ret=0;
if (type == MC_TYPE_RESET)
{ mclibInited = 0;
cdata.server = NULL;
return 0;
I believe that other libs too may benefit from similar 'reset' additions, although this is the only one I've had occasion to investigate yet.
Best regards: dlanor