I am just looking into deving for the ps2. i have just set up the env for it and trying to compile some sample code. the below is a the pgen emulator. i also get this error with other code as well. is there something i setup wrong?
PGEN code is completely "outdated" comparing to the last toolchain.
OR you setup your environement using PS2LIB (that was used to develop PGEN), OR you upgrade PGEN sources & makefiles to compile with the PS2SDK (that I recommend you). Furthermore, some stuff like (for i.e.) C++ hacks has been made at that time, and they are not anymore needed with the last SDK (so a complete source review is also needed)
Check the makefile example in the PS2SDK, you'll see the difference with the ones from PGEN.
in the current gslib(0.51 and 0.50) there is no such method.
I put a comment in this line just to compile, but someone knows what happened with this method or maybe what it does.
Note also that I wanted to make a PGEN "free" EVO version (an open-source version at least equivalent to the datel one,) and so I remade a newer version of PGEN full compatible with the PS2SDK + some enhancements like newer IRXs, zlib, patched cdvd, removed sjpcm for audsrv, usb_mass support, updated z80 core (working on it currently), etc...
anyway once compiled with GCC 3.2.2, my version is a bit slower that the official one, and to come back to your remark, apart of compiler flags (where the problem is certainly), I also really think that PGEN was using a NON official release of gslib... but we will never know.
I was doing exactly this man. Yesterday I re-create all make files to new compile with the new PS2SDK.
Look there is a pgen project in sourceforge, it is empty now. But I don’t know perhaps you can send a mail to Sjeep. and keep it alive ;)