LAN games possible for multiple PS2s???

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LAN games possible for multiple PS2s???

Post by satchi »

Hi there, I became highly interested in Capcom's Resident Evil Outbreak recently and wanted to play w/ my buddies online; then this question hit me, is it possible to hook up all 3 of our PS2 together like a LAN (i guess a hub is req) connection, with 3 TVs...etc, and have a Resident Evil Outbreak LAN party offline?

I've been hearing comments while searching in google saying games such as Outbreak can be online and lan????!? or Capcom at E3 convention using a general LAN connection for their demonstration???

If it's not possible for Outbreak, is it possible for any other games? 2 PS2? 3 PS2?

Thanks in advance.

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Post by blackdroid »

Ask capcom.
Kung VU