step 12 is my problem now. When I try to compile the ps2lib, the compiler shows me 4 errors :
1)C:/ps2dev/MinGW/include/io.h "FILENAME_MAX" undeclared her (not in a
function) line 75
2)C:/ps2dev/MinGW/include/io.h confuesd by earlier errors, bailing out
line 76
3)conflicting types for "strtol" string.h line 58
4)previous decleration of "strtol" sysclib.h line 29
I solved the problem of 3 and 4. i have added a "const" to the sysclib.h in line 29 :
"long strtol(const char *, char**, int);"
To error 1 and 2... I don´t know what the problem is....
now I´ve installed the ps2sdk and include it in eclipse, but when I try to compile all files, there are a lot more errors like in the ps2lib... is that normal?
"inlucde it in eclipse" - I mean that I setting up the ide, ready to compile, but when I try to compile the sample sourcecode, the compiler gives me a lot of errors...
thats not the output from the cmd when I try to build the sdk, but the output when I try to compile a program in the eclipse IDE... that´s my problem. The step to build the sdk I have completed.
Well, you DO need the ps2 environment variables set, and you DO need to have the current directory set to the project directory where the ps2 makefile is located. but other than that, just "make" is fine.