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Post by krum »

first off I am new at this!! But I do program in C++ and VB, so I believe i can catch on fast...

anywho before I dig in to learning and testing code I would like to know if a couple things are possible.

for example, lets say someone made an elf launcher that stayed in the memory and it reads that if you hold select for more than 5 seconds then it pops up with a box asking you if you would like to return to the menu.

is it possible to keep the program in the background, stop a game mid way through (via HDloader) without restarting the ps2??

if so I would be VERY interested in this this would solve the very annoying problem of me having to restart my ps2 everytime I want to change my game.

this is exactly what I am looking to do (if it is possible)

make an elf launcher that can be set to automatically load an elf by defult (unless holding select on load then it shows settings) the settings will pretty much be like the other launchers. When it loads HDloader it stays in the memory and when HDloader starts the game it is still running, allowing you to hold select and quit the game along with HDloader (if it's still running or not) but NOT reseting the ps2, but instead going back to the launcher (which loads the defult 'HDloader')

if something like this exists then I would be very happy if you pointed me in it's direction :-P

if you think it's not possible please post why so I can check it out for myself, thanks!!
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Post by jbit »

mentioning hdloader == instant lock