Funky Triangle Drawing

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Funky Triangle Drawing

Post by Neovanglist »

Well, I've asked a bit about this in the channel, but I think now is a good time to ask the forum as well.

I've been working on some 3D demos using gsKit, and for some odd reason the faces to my cube are fux0red. It *looks* like some of the faces are being culled as backfaces, in particular the closest one you are facing.

Of course, this is not the case since I'm doing no culling, and the PS2 doesn't have it's own.

I've attached source, makefile, and .elf for those who want to check it out.

Also, the controls are important.

FIRST: Turn on Analog mode for your controller.

SECOND: Press "Start" to reset the cube.

The left stick moves the cube up/down left/right.

The second stick roatates the cube on the Y and Z axises.

The start button returns the cube to it's original position. ... ube.tar.gz

Check it out!
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Post by Saotome »

i'm not really sure (couldnt see it since the ELF is NTSC only and dont have/use gsKit to recompile it), but it could be because of the zbuffer, its a 1/Z buffer. so you should set the z vertex value as maxZ/vertexZ, or something like that.

maybe gsKit does it automaticaly(?)
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