Homebrew on cd

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Homebrew on cd

Post by Dariusc123456 »

Well, im new to ps2 programming. And I got my system fix up. I using the swap disc, and I wanna know what the propper way to burn the program to the cd? do I burn a erl or what? Thanks
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

Dont anyone know? Do everyone just have a linux for there ps2 or a modchip? Well, one of the mods can just go on and lock this thread then. ill check somewhere else .
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Post by ps2devman »

Mod a ps2 and for the burning method of a bootable .elf check post 'Easy program request...'
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Post by kouky »

Unstead of burning CDs, you can copy your homebrews to a USB pen since swap magic has acces to the USB port of the PS2.
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Post by cheriff »

Do you have a network adapter or are using a slim?

You could do what most everyone else does, and burn one CD, and have that boot ps2link. Then you just send you application over ethernet for each boot. Saves mucking around with CDs or USB keys and stuff...
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

I dont have my modem anymore. How can the swap have USB access? What is the best usb pen to use for a ps2 fat?
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Post by cosmito »

Dariusc123456 wrote:What is the best usb pen to use for a ps2 fat?
The best way to find this is try for yourself some pens or do some searching - I bet there is a list somewhere of the compatible USB pens (try psx-scene forums, there could be something there with luck).

Not all usb pens are compatible with the PS2... And some don't work well with all applications : my Dane Elec 1GB works fine with most homebrew (like uLaunchELF and SMS) but Swap Magic don't recognize it as a USB pen, so I could never boot from it using swap magic.
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Post by Dariusc123456 »

So I can use something like a flash drive? Or it have to be by something like Action Reply? I have a 8gb flash drive.
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