Tutorial: How to setup a ps2dev env in cygwin

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Post by dlanor »

frcol wrote:Do you know why am I having problem with the mkdir -p $PS2SDK?

$ mkdir -p $PS2SDK
mkdir: missing operand
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
Let's first clarify what that command means:

You ask the command interpreter to expand the environment variable $PS2SDK into a whatever string it has been defined to contain, and then to create a new folder with that string as the new folder name.

Apparently the environment variable is still undefined, so the command interpreter complains about not having been given a name to use with "mkdir".

You need to double-check your environment variable definitions, and make sure that they are made correctly, and in a file that actually gets used.

For use with 'bash' I put all my definitions in "Cygwin/etc/bash.bashrc", and that works fine with all PS2SDK usage. Naturally this also assumes that you use "Cygwin/bin/bash.exe" as your command interpreter for all such usage, otherwise all bets are off...

Best regards: dlanor
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Post by underrisk »

Hello all

i know its too late for me to ask about this subject, but really iam knew for this topic

iam trying to set my toolchain for cygwin but when i arrive to point :
chmod a+x ./toolchain.sh
i wrote this ( chmod a+x /home/administrator/ps2toolchain/toolchain.sh )
nothing happen and just passed by then i wrote
then i get that comment :
(/home/administrator/ps2toolchain/toolchain.sh: line 68: gmake: command not found

mkdir: missing operand
Try `mkdir --help' for more information.
ERROR: Please make sure you're root.)

so please if any one can help to give e some hint about where my falt
thanks for all

PS: Thanks alot I was able to solve the problem .... i just run old cygwin setup and everything went fine
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Post by Lukasz »

As an alternative, check out my MinGW tutorial: http://lukasz.dk/programming/playstatio ... -tutorial/
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Post by cosmito »


On your cygwin tutorial :
For compiling the PS2 toolchain, you need the following packages besides from the preselected packages.

I think it's needed some more packages ... at least binutils and patch are a must, as far I recall.
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Post by Lukasz »

ptek wrote:@Lukasz,

On your cygwin tutorial :
For compiling the PS2 toolchain, you need the following packages besides from the preselected packages.

I think it's needed some more packages ... at least binutils and patch are a must, as far I recall.
I tried to build the toolchains in Cygwin yesterday, you need patch, perl and diff-utils. You get binutils when you select gcc. The build still fails with the error reported in this thread.
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