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3D graphics samples

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:19 am
by TracerH
The noob story:
Somebody gave me a slim PS2 for X-mas. I've really been enjoying it. I then found out about homebrew programming, and have stopped playing games in favor of researching the libraries.

The noob questions:
I have been through the ps2sdk examples and the gsKit examples and have managed to modify the source to create my own lists of triangles using math, sinf, cosf, etc. I have spend days reading all the material I could find (procedural rendering on PS2, etc) on graphics programming for the PS2 and have a fairly descent idea of what is going on in these libraries. Now I'm looking for some examples that are a little more in depth to give me an idea of more complicated graphics.

I see the differences in how ps2sdk and gsKit handle primitive lists, and have read that everybody suggests using the gsKit. So far I have managed to get further with 3D graphics in ps2sdk, but would like to try more with gsKit. I am fascinated by some the demos, like d136b. Is there anywhere I can find more example source code for 3D rendering?

The noob disclaimer:
I am a total noob to PS2 programming and 3Dgraphics programming. I am (don't laugh) a windoz dot net programmer and now mostly work with I have played with directX programming, but not much. I used to program PLC's and have some low level programming experience, but haven't worked much in c or c++. Now that I've said all that, I'm not afraid to read everything I can find to try to better enjoy my PS2 experience.

The noob dilemma:
I've been enjoying the ps2dev forums and have learned a lot by reading through the posts and searching for various topics. It really looks like interest in PS2 developement has dropped off and you guys are remaining gurus. I feel I'm on the verge of purchasing a new MS console (names withheld to protect the guilty) but fear that will displace my PS2 to the back of the closet, never to be heard from again. So, how many of you guys still enjoy working on the PS2 platform? It seems to be a great system to learn the basics of pipeline rendering, and everybody has done such a great job with the various libraries. Is it still alive at all, or time to give it up? Has anybody considered any way to refresh the interest in PS2 developement? I know that means a lot of noobs with a lot of noobs questions........

In Conclusion:
If you know of any other 3D graphics examples for ps2sdk or gsKit, or other/better library, please let me know where to look. Thanks!


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:36 pm
by Lukasz
Instead of repeating myself, you can read my introduction to PS2DEV and my take on why there are not really any 3D libraries for the PS2. ... to-ps2dev/

I'd say the best source code references for PS2 3D programming are the Aura For Laura demo ( ), Funslower demo ( ... WER_SOURCE , also by Soopa Doopa) and the BPDemoHarness (available in Subversion, checkout code with: "svn co svn://")

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:36 pm
by ps2devman
These are a few open sources experiments I've done on ps2.

The last one is pure 3D fun... Lets you rotate a .3ds textured mesh.
(based on modified saotome's vulib and standard neovangelist's gsKit) (GPL packet driver source for PS2) (AFL packet driver source for PS2) (Hardware accelerated Pong) (AntiAliased Q*Bert) (250000 v/f 3D rendering loop)

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:31 am
by Wraggster
are the Pong and Qbert files actually playable games ?

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 11:03 am
by TracerH
Thanks for the info and links! I'm really enjoying this.


Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:37 pm
by ps2devman
@Wraggster: Yep

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:46 am
by Wraggster
awesome ill get newsposting then :)

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:51 pm
by ps2devman
Thanks but be aware it's very old (I published these last year in this forum). Also Pong is Pong. Not so exciting. Actually its interest is in the indirect control of paddle by wiimote (wiimote -> pc -> ps2 through pings)
Initial Fantasy should become a RPG but for now is just a rendering loop.
I'm lacking free time and trying to progress on too many platform at the same time (360 is giving me hard time).