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PS2DEV Documentation Project

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 9:29 am
by whatisdot
Hello everyone,

I just registered and am excited about PS2DEV!!! I have spent the past week or so going through the examples, browsing the various websites and crawling the forums here, as well as compiling and running the examples provided by the other developers working on this great project. The only thing that frustrates me (and quite a few other people, from what I can see) is the lack of documentation for the current PS2DEV TOOLCHAIN and the PS2SDK.
A number of people have already made valiant efforts to provide their own types of documentation with their examples, most notably Dreamtime and of course Lukasz. The problem is that whenever someone posts their own version of documentation it is just a matter of time until it becomes outdated. This project is too broad scoped and too important to not have a healthy documentation.
Thusly, I would like to strongly encourage people, especially experienced developers, to contribute to This will help to keep the most current information in the public eye, so they will know what is outdated and what is up to date. This will not only help the community of developers currently working on projects, but it will also help the community grow by reducing the amount of time it takes for people to start developing and contributing.
When I found the WIKI, I was amazed at how neglected it was... Let's help give the WIKI some love and make developing for the PS2 a little friendlier for everyone! =)

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 12:07 pm
by whatisdot
There :)
I have tried to add a lot of the documentation that was included with the source code into the wiki page for the toolchain and the PS2SDK. Maybe this can get the ball rolling.
I hope I haven't stepped on any toes...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:20 pm
by Lukasz
I can see you've added the PS2SDK readme, however it is a bit outdated. There is for instance an USB driver included. Check the changelog.

There is some doxygen documentation in some of PS2SDK headers.

I'd love to have more PS2 documentation avaliable in the Wiki, as I believe it is the key to reaching a wider audience. But it's just alot more exciting to play around with code :-)

My suggestion for what to document first would be the sifcmd and sifrpc on both the EE and IOP, along with sample code of them both acting as both server and client. Then there is the huge task of documenting all of the EE RPC libraries and the IOP modules exported functions.

I might contribute something to the Wiki at some point, but at the moment there are other things taking up my spare time :-)

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:49 am
by whatisdot
Okay! I have been busy. =)
So far, I have tried to flesh out the IOP modules section with all of the documentation I could find in the PS2SDK source code. The wasn't much, but some of the modules did include readme files that really helped out. I'll start on the EE section next...

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 7:33 pm
by whatisdot
Progress Report:
I must be really bored...
I managed to get all of the file references into the WIKI for EE and IOP. For the files that included a README file, I reformatted it for its respective WIKI page. After that, I copied the license agreement and the change log into the WIKI as well. I copied some of Lukasz's info from his examples into the WIKI for future preservation. Next up, I'll try to go through each of the header files in the EE section and try to put function descriptions and stuff like that into the WIKI.
Maybe I'll get some sleep first...<yawn> = )

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 2:24 am
by cosmito

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:03 am
by whatisdot
Hey guys,
I have been looking for some source code to go through to help get a better understanding of usage and the such, but I can't seem to find the code I am looking for. I can find the BINARIES without a problem, but it's the SOURCE CODE I'm looking for... If someone would be nice enough to post a link to the source code for any of the following ELFs, I would be most grateful! =)

* LaunchELF

Thanks in advance!

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:58 am
by Lukasz
Some of these projects are hosted in the Subversion repository. Try the following subversion (svn) command

Code: Select all

svn ls svn&#58;//
Which gives the following result

Code: Select all

And also

Code: Select all

svn ls svn&#58;//

Code: Select all

More information on Subversion:

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 4:57 am
by whatisdot
Well, the wiki is down, so the documentation has been put on hold for now...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:09 am
The Wiki is back up, so we should probably resume documentation. I have some things to contribute, so I suppose I'll get un-lazy enough to do that in the next few days. I'd like to make the guide as simple as possible, while being as verbose as necessary. I see no reason why an aspiring developer can't begin learning C itself by reading, writing, and compiling code for the PS2...not that I'm going to go so far as to write a guide to programming in C, when that wheel's already been invented several times :) (though I'm not averse to pointing people toward a few good guides to C).

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 5:00 am
by whatisdot
Unfortunately, the WIKI has been locked down as read only now, so I don't think we'll be able to get much done without an admin's help. It's entirely likely that the powers that be are displeased with the changes I have been making, or don't want other people making changes freely. Perhaps the WIKI was not intended for what we or I have been using it for...

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:43 pm
It's also possible that the Wiki was locked down for another reason, like excessive spamming, or the threat thereof, and that staff never got around to unlocking it, or are still worried about that threat.

It's quite a task to get in touch with Oobles, or I could tell you why exactly it's read-only. I'm working on that, as I'd greatly like to properly document as much as possible, to help aspiring PS2 developers.