pc boot ps2

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pc boot ps2

Post by ps2c »

hi, i have a ps2 with a network adaptor and a hdd, but the lens is dead. is there anyway to boot mc exploit or elf files from pc. can the pc boot elf files from mc or hd without using ps2's lens.

Post by Guest »

Only with a modchip.
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Post by Drakonite »

This was locked for a reason.
Your dup was deleted.
Post this again and you'll be banned.
Shoot Pixels Not People!
Makeshift Development

Post by Guest »

As the person who locked it, I felt kinda uneasy I did so without explanation. So I will explain more here.

The *only* way you could do what you mean is to spend the money needed for a modchip.

As the simply is the only solution available for you, I felt it needed no more discussion. Furthermore, due to the nature of modchips, and it was not clear the subject would be promoting true dev purposes, I locked it. Further discussion was not only unneeded, but irrelevant to dev.

However, there is a good site for the hardware side of things for people who are not so much interested in dev but getting that extra bit out of their ps2 *legally* and that is www.ps2-scene.org.

(note to other mods: yes I know not every visitor to that site is interested in legalities, but that site holds reasonable standards considering the audience they cater to and performs most excellently in that regard for legal non-dev related things that we do not want discussed here. I propose we more actively send folx that way and not hold that site responsible for the actions of some of their visitors much the same way ps2dev can't be held responsible for the actions of some of its former, now rogue, frequent contributors.)