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why not build a PS2DEV live-CD ?

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:59 pm
by not6
6 months ago I setup a PS2DEV env to test ps2lib ,
first time i start with the cygwin binary package ,but had some problems with iop ...
So i decide to build the cross compilars . all work fine but
unfortunately 3 months later my hdd break and a short time after my motherboard gone away (defective condenser) :(
And i lose all my system (win2k / debian linux) .
because of a lack of time , i just re-install 2k and use a "debian live-cd" for my poor linux task , and cygwin ps2dev binary .

I m not a linux guru and neither an programming guru.
But i think it can be usefull to have a ready to use "linux Ps2dev live-cd" with cross compilar ,library , doc ... include in the distrib , for me and the news guys who want to make some ps2dev .

it s just an idea ...


Re: why not build a PS2DEV live-CD ?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 3:36 pm
by Drakonite
Sure, sounds great. Let us know when it's ready.

I'm sure lots of people will be greatful when you have it done. It's great to see someone finally has time to do the work to make one.


Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:23 pm
by snoopy-tlse

i work on a ps2dev live cd/knoppix,
i think the first version can be "ok" today or
Sory for my english, i'm french....

This version contain :

- Toulchain ps2
- Libs
- Ps2client v 2.0
- Pc2sx

If you want others software, post a reply here.

Thanks for all at all !!! :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:49 pm
by not6
Of course xcuse my english!

lol Drakonite ,

You are right && " i know it's lame to ask someone to do the job "
but as i say: i probably do not have the skills && not really time to acquire them .

So it's a very cool news Snoopy-tlses !
Is there anyway to get it?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 4:21 pm
by Fraggster
anyword on the live cd