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suggestions for a project

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:34 am
by Compound
hi all im pretty new to ps2dev, but have a few years experience in coding and genral games coding, currently reaching the end of my degree and im looking to get together a technology demo to send to company's along with my CV.

was just wondering if anyone could recomend me some ideas of things companies might be looking for please


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:37 am
by Compound
was also going to write another thread for this but as its related ill post it here.

how feasible would it be to write a program that runs in the background of any other running program to allow you to store the current state of the ps2 to disc. i.e dump everything in the ps2's memory to the ps2's hdd or accross the network, and possibly load it back again