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PS2Boot Advance help.

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:19 am
by PhAsR
hi guys im new to this,BUT im not a total noob cause iv been doing this stuff on my psp, i got the neogeocd ps2 emulator to work and i also found a way to copy the saves from my ps2 memory card to my psp thats very handy :).whatever. .

my question is about PS2Boot Advance i want to burn it on cd to use it but if i do so should the bootinfo.txt stay like this:
;*** boot advance script ***

;*** list of commands & applications ***

loadmodule "mc0:/main.irx"

application "PS2link v1.24" "mc0:/PS2LINK/ps2link.elf"
application "PS2 Genesis..." "mc0:/PGEN/pgen.elf"
application "rom0:TESTMODE" "rom0:TESTMODE"

or be changed?
and also is it posible to ad more emus to PS2Boot Advance?