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How do I access the SVN repository ?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:21 pm
by dlanor
I've been using WinCVS to get sources from the CVS repository, but this obviously doesn't work with the new SVN system. So now what do I do ?

I have to assume there were good reasons for this changeover, hopefully something related to future functionality. But right now the functionality has been reduced to NIL for me and a large number of other users who don't have any way to access the new repository. (Apart from manual web browsing, which really isn't all that useful...)

Several questions arise unbidden at a time like this, such as:
Why wasn't this change announced as coming, telling us what software we now must install ?
Why is there still no info on what software to install, even now after the change ?
Why wasn't the old CVS repository preserved, at least during a transition period ?

Why do we even have a forum for announcements, if this sort of thing isn't even mentioned there...?

Best regards: dlanor

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 2:29 pm
by ooPo
I guess the psp svn changeover went so well that it was done for the ps2cvs without much thought. It caught me by surprise, too.

Here's some details:

Subversion is the real name for what people call 'svn'.

The repository is at: svn://

You can browse it at:

Most of the interesting stuff seems to be in the 'trunk' directory.

If you have svn installed for the command line, you can use it much like cvs. For example: svn checkout svn://

Many programs support svn, like TortoiseSvn.

The ps2toolchain script has been updated to grab the latest ps2sdk and ps2client from svn instead of cvs.

Sorry it wasn't more announced, but I had nothing to do with it. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:25 pm
by radad
I just tried it using TortoiseSVN 1.2.0, Build 3602 with the url svn:// It says 'No repository found'. Anyone else have any luck?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:03 pm
by strikeuk
radad wrote:I just tried it using TortoiseSVN 1.2.0, Build 3602 with the url svn:// It says 'No repository found'. Anyone else have any luck?
Try with this address, svn:// or /ps2ware

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:31 pm
by radad
That worked, thanks.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:48 am
by dlanor
ooPo wrote:I guess the psp svn changeover went so well that it was done for the ps2cvs without much thought. It caught me by surprise, too.
Yikes, I must be getting psychic (or maybe 'psycho' ;) )...
My first thought when I saw the new pages, via the 'View SVN' link, was that this was something cooked up by the guys working on the PSP stuff. Since they had to rework the CVS anyhow, to make a place for the PSP stuff, I can understand how they would prefer starting over from scratch.

----- snip ----- re: some details on how to find the new repository

Thanks. I had no trouble finding it by web browsing, as the links on the main ps2dev site have been updated (unlike most of the CVS related info). But I think it was good that you included it here, as others might not think of browsing that page, just because their CVS client fails to deliver...
If you have svn installed for the command line, you can use it much like cvs. For example: svn checkout svn://
I do have it, as part of the Cygwin installation, but it really is a very inconvenient way to access the repository. I mean, it's ok for a single project, but not when you need lots of different stuff.
Many programs support svn, like TortoiseSvn.
I'll google for it then, in the hope of finding it a more user-fiendly client.
The ps2toolchain script has been updated to grab the latest ps2sdk and ps2client from svn instead of cvs.
Well, I used the modified script by Lukasz to set up my stuff, but I think I can edit this myself to use SVN, by checking the changes in your script.
Sorry it wasn't more announced, but I had nothing to do with it. :)
Please don't think I was 'bashing' you or anyone else in my earlier post. I was just concerned about the lack of information, considering the impact a change of this kind has on all developers. A good announcement well in advance might have prevented 'bottlenecks', like the one that is currently holding up the SMS project, for example. (GUI completed two days ago, but the author can't update it in SVN... :( )

In fact, though it's a bit late to do it, making a proper announcement of the change might still be a good idea. It could clarify the situation for those who still haven't got the picture.

Best regards: dlanor

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:08 pm
by Oobles
I suppose I should not have migrated CVS to SVN and then disapeared off to the beach for a few days without an announcement. Sorry about that.

The migration to Subversion was done after I received many complaints about CVS. We trialled Subversion with the PSP repository. This was successful so we decided that migrate ps2cvs over too. The original ps2cvs repository has been split into two separate repositories, ps2 and ps2ware. The main ps2 repository is for libraries and tools. The ps2ware repository is for applications, games, demos and whatever else. I will be removing completely CVS access in a few days. One of the other reasons for the conversion is that I only want to maintain one version control system.

If you would like write access to Subversion please PM me and I will arrange it.

Thanks ooPo for the nice description of getting access.

David. (aka Oobles.)

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2005 12:45 am
by ooPo
The beach?! Dude, surfs up!

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 10:35 am
by radad
Has it been setup on this server to use svn over https?


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:40 am
by phenriquiu
Hi all! I'm new to ps2 development and I want to checkout the svn tree, but my firewall blocks it. Why can't I checkout via http instead of svn? Can the admins configure the repository to http or https so more people could get the sources?


Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:03 am
by fringo
hi Site admin,
Need help to upload Argon 0.25 source to svn.I have e-mail to few site admin located on ps2sdk read me but still no response

Pls provide me or user112 with svn write access.

Pls pm us @ ps2scene:hip203(me) and user112(creator)
