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InLink - Unknown File Command received : -1161952927

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:55 pm
by HellzVirtue
Hi all,
Ive got PS2Link up and running successfully on my PS2, and InLink v1.3.7 running on my PC, with its status as connected. It gives me all the options of reset, run, OFF etc. However, I get a problem when executing an .elf.
I load up PS2Menu from my mem card using the Indy exploit, then start up InLink on the PC. I then load PS2Link from my mem card using PS2Menu. InLink loads OK, PS2Link loads OK as 'Ready' appears on the TV, and I go to launch PS2Menu again but from my PC through InLink. It starts to load successfully, BUT then in the InLink log window it comes up with [NET] : Unknown File Command received : -1161952927 , and on the PS2 nothing happens, it just hangs saying 'Loading ps2netfs.irx xxxx bytes'.
What am I doing wrong? I would be very grateful if someone could help me out, as at the moment I'm so happy that I even got this far!
Thanks in advance.

This is happening with every .elf I try and run. Please help!

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:02 am
by ooPo
-1161952927 = 0xBABE0161 ... otocol.txt

Code: Select all

   0xBABE0161 (dopen request)
   0xBABE0162 (dopen response)

   A request from ps2link to open the directory specified by the pathname with
   with the given flags. The resulting directory descriptor is returned as the
   result in the response packet.


    struct { int number; short length; int flags; char pathname[256]; } request;
    struct { int number; short length; int result; } response;


    response.number = htonl(0xBABE0162);
    response.length = htons(sizeof(response));
    response.dd     = htonl((int)opendir(request->pathname));
It looks like ps2menu is trying to open a directory to find a listing of files, but inlink doesn't seem to support that function. Upgrading to a more modern ps2link client or asking the inlink folk to support it are your options.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:36 am
by HellzVirtue
Thanks very much for the info ooPo, Ive searched for an updated version of PS2Link and InLink, but with no avail, and I cant find the InLink website too. Would there be any alternative PC clients like InLink, as I can't find any alternative boot loaders for the PS2 to do the same as PS2Link?

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:04 am
by ooPo
There's a few listed on the main ps2dev website:

XLink may be what you're looking for.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:35 am
by HellzVirtue
WOW! Thans again ooPo, XLink worked a treat! I am extremely grateful for your help, everything is loading brilliantly now. Much appreciated, honestly.