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Reset button problems

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:36 am
by ryani
By which, I mean the little green/red "power" button on the front.

If I have a commercial game inserted and press it once, the system resets and reboots. If I hold it slightly longer, the PS2 shuts down.

If I boot my PS2Link memcard, it still works correctly, as long as I don't have my network adapter installed. However, once I install the network adapter, pressing the reset button for a moment does absolutely nothing, and I have to hold it down for quite a while (around 5 seconds) for the PS2 to power off.

Why doesn't the reset button work properly from ps2link when the network adapter is installed? And what would it take to fix it? It would be a lot more convenient to reboot the PS2 when things have gone horribly wrong if I could just tap the reset button.

-- ryan

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:03 am
by Drakonite
This is the way things are supposed to act when ever the network adapter has been enabled (including official PS2 games). So technically, at least from what everyone tells me, it is working properly.