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Expansion port bus?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 12:33 am
by Ex-Cyber
What is the expansion port bus? Is it just PCMCIA with a custom connector, or did they change it to something else? I know the host interface isn't identical from looking at the ps2sdk dev9 code, but it doesn't look radically different either...

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 10:37 am
by Guest
Well, it is 68 pins each of 2 rows. I suspect the 2nd row is for termination.
68 pins puts it right in there with PCMCIA or PCI.

Considering that the 1st PS2 has a real PCMCIA expansion bus, it is quite
likely they just changed it to a custom connector.

Also, a later variant ASIC based on the IOP (but not for the PS2)
includes circuitry to attach a busmastering PCI device to its "F-bus",
so one can easily speculate that such exists on the IOP as well, and
thats the most likely attachment for the broadband expansion adapter.

(Sony might not have wanted people to experiment with busmastering
devices on the IOP for all we know).
