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i have a question
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:09 am
by booyea
how do i re-write my application to use a modified version of the libcdvd function? a modified cdvd.irx file
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 1:15 pm
by J.F.
With a text editor.
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 3:07 pm
by Drakonite
1) Use a more specific topic.
2) Give a bit more information.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:31 am
by booyea
i am trying to use a modified cdvd.irx so i can create a swapless soulution to booting codes and such. i need to know how to write and or what code to put in to load the .irx.. also have my program recognize it as a ps2 cd or an audio cd to load code from track 2. i have the source all the .c .h files and the modified cdvd.irx file how would i go by doing all this.. it would be cool to haev a swapless way for booting programs
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:44 am
by pixel
If you don't have a modchip-solution, you just can't have a swapless method to boot the PS2.
Furthermore, what you're talking about is a chicken-and-egg problem: you want to modify cdvd.irx, right. Now, whatever change you would do to it, what good would it be for ? The PS2 won't read it, since you would give it to the PS2 using a CD-R or whatever, which STILL would lead to a swap-method, if you have no other way to boot CD-R on your PS2.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:42 am
by booyea
using a ps1 exploit to load the .elf......then insert formatted cd-r.. and it reads track 2 as data and loads... thanks to the modified cdvd.irx
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:53 am
by pixel
A few remarks there:
-) The "modified cdvd.irx" would then be "where" ?
-) The PS1 exploit looks like a swap to me. Okay, it is not as 'hard', but you still have to first load a PS1 game, eject it, and put it the new CD afterward
-) What you are trying to do has already been done by Drakonite, in a bundled called UMCDR. Unfortunately, it has been used to boot PS2 games, that is, for warez reasons. So, he decided to close down that project.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:10 am
by booyea
think about waht will happen if i get this to work.. no more modchips, no more spending money on swap cds or card jsut 1 simple swap.. dont look at the illiegal side of using it to boot up backups.. what the heck do u think modchips do... this is jsut another breakthough in ps2 development.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:23 am
by pixel
You are the second one begging for a umcdr-like project. I'll speak for anybody else over here: we won't help you to do so, we won't support you. UMCDR existed. It worked. One was able to read datas from a CD-R using PS2Menu. Not anymore, since it was used for illegal purposes.
We do NOT want that the projects beeing held over here to serve as illegal purpose.
All the arguments you could give afterward will be directed to /dev/null.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:45 am
by Drakonite
pixel wrote:You are the second one begging for a umcdr-like project. I'll speak for anybody else over here: we won't help you to do so, we won't support you. UMCDR existed. It worked. One was able to read datas from a CD-R using PS2Menu. Not anymore, since it was used for illegal purposes.
The reasons were much more complex than that.
booyea: So what, you have a copy of umcdr from before the site went down or did you find it somewhere else?
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:48 am
by booyea
drangonite. can u tell me how to make cogswaploader umcdr supported.... i dont use it for illegal purposes i want it becuase then i wouldnt haev to swap everytime i wana play snes or nes// i got the source of cogswap also.. im not doing anyhting illigal jsut looking for another way to boot code swapless... and if other people use it for illiegal use.. its there problem not anyone here or me
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:55 am
by Drakonite
UMCDR was not and never was intended for use with any program like cogswap loader. It doesn't work.
The official UMCDR releases were specifically designed in a way which required changes to be made to the program itself.
If you are not a programmer you cannot add UMCDR support to a program.
As mentioned, we neither condone nor support warez in anyway.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:58 am
by pixel
Well, I was just trying to sum up things :-D
"cogswaploader" huh ?
That's getting interesting :-)
Why would you need such a tool (pray the Lord that mrbrown never find you here) for homebrew anyway ?
PS2Menu was UMCDR enabled, and it could run any homebrew application.
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:12 am
by booyea
i use cogswaploader to boot cds full of .elfs.. homebrew games, testing code.. i use it becuase it VERY SIMPLE! and u can use it with the independence exploit... jsut insert ps1 game.. ps2 cd.. then program cd... i dont do shit illegal...! alls i want is that umcdr enabled.. i have to write my program using the modified cdvd.irx so it will recognize cd-r has ps2 CD ... what is thsi big fuss about all this illegal shit.. if it was soo illegal to boot backups then why are tons of onlien stores still sellign modchips. Drangonite i understard you got pissed off because somone used umcdr as a tool to boot backups... soo what! im not trying to argue with you but this could be somthing big that could wipe out modchip companies making money selling illegal chips and other companies selling swap card and discs... this umcdr or reading track 2 as audiois sjut another way to boot code off the ps2.. id liek to thank you draganite for making umcdr but imagen the possibilites.. no more cards, swap cds, modchips, think!!! just let me know...
Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 7:22 am
by Drakonite
what is thsi big fuss about all this illegal shit.. if it was soo illegal to boot backups then why are tons of onlien stores still sellign modchips.
Just because it is illegal doesn't mean no one tries to do it.
Drangonite i understard you got pissed off because somone used umcdr as a tool to boot backups...
(First off, for what it matters they were never successful) There is far far more reasons for me taking down umcdr from my page than just that. The majority of things that happened I have not publicly told anyone about.
This thread is turning largly into a discussion about swaps/mods/warez and we do not allow that here. I am locking this thread.