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Moving from BETA to STABLE.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 1:12 pm
by ooPo
I'm going away for the weekend. When I get back I'm going to mark the current toolchain script/patches as OLD and the BETA as STABLE. The EE side has been as stable as ever for me and I'm having a blast being able to compile valid IRX files for the first time. :) So...

If you have a reason why I shouldn't, now is your chance to speak up.

Be sure to thank mrbrown, pixel, mrhtford, blackdroid, ryani, cody56 and anyone else I don't have listed here as submitting patches. A lot of boring, grunt work went into these tools and they deserve the praise. Huzzah!

BTW, how's the binutils-2.15 and gcc-3.4 stuff going? Is there anything I can use for the new beta toolchain script? :)