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Newbie Question: PS2Link

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:27 am
by ADW
I'm trying to use PS2Link (v1.23) and Inlink (v1.3.7) to test the ELFs I've compiled on my PC instead of burning them to disc each time but can't setup PS2Link.

My network setup is as follows:
My computer connects to the network using a Windows 2000 Server under the domain HOME. Server IP:
It assigns IP addresses to clients from to My computers IP (running XP) is
My IPCONFIG.DAT file for PS2Link reads:

Running PS2Link confirms the IPs and prints "Initializing" and then "Ready". However when I run InLink, setting my PC's IP and the PS2's IP it just crashes with a "Send Error Report to Microsoft" dialog. Trying to ping the IP I get "Request Timed Out".

Is there a permissions setting on the Win 2000 Server that needs to be modified to let the PS2 join the network or is there a way I can bypass the server so the PS2 can communicate to my PC (it is too far away just to use a crossover cable). My Network Adapter is working because online games work using the ADSL router on the same network on IP

Thanks in advance for any advice and sorry if I've missed something obvious.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 7:50 am
by pixel
How are things linked together ? Using a switch ? That is, your PS2 and your computer are connected to the same switch ?

Something else, when ps2link boots, what does it print onscreen ?

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 8:29 am
by ADW
The PS2 is connected to the same hub as my computer, this hub is then connected to the hub that the server is connected on:

PS2 + PC <-> Hub 1 <-> Hub 2 <-> Server + Router

PS2Link prints the following on booting:

"Welcome to ps2link v1.23
Highload version
Booting from host (host:PS2LINK.ELF)
Net config:

I use PS2Menu-K to boot it.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 10:11 am
by pixel
Okay, so, there, your ps2 and your pc should communicate directly. Your server/router has nothing to do with it.

About ping not responding... well... that doesn't surprise me. Windows doesn't use the same ping system as unix (echo port 7 versus ICMP PING), and I guess ps2link won't really try to answer anything on port 7.

Now, you only need a decent^W^Wanother client.

Try by simply typing:

ps2client -h reset

If you see ps2link reloading on your ps2, then, it means it works. Feel free to use ps2client, or pksh, that you can find on ttc's website compiled for windows (can't find the url right now)

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2004 1:02 pm
by Guest
Hmm...I would have thought ping on windows worked the same as unix.

I second Pixel's suggestion: try ps2client. That is used by many ppl here
and gives you one more debug point. If Inlink is crashing on Win2k, then
it is still not certain whether the problem is your ps2 or InLink on Windows.

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 8:12 am
by ADW
Thanks for your suggestions. I found that my main problem was that when I installed my HDD I didn't reconnect the network cable properly, now when I run PS2Link I can ping the PS2. However, Inlink still crashes just the same.

When I type "ps2client -h reset" ps2client doesn't show anything on the command line and the PS2 won't respond to pings anymore (it seems to crash PS2Link).

Does this mean that there's something wrong on the PC side with InLink? I think the connection works because when I tried "ps2client -h execee TEST.ELF" trying to load a file in the same directory as ps2client, PS2Link prints something like file not found. Thanks again.

EDIT: OK, I got it to work with ps2client now using "ps2client -h execee host:\TEST.ELF", is there any reason I should try and get Inlink working or is ps2client just as good?