HSync ???
Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 12:02 am
Coming from da oldschool scene, I'm starting developping things using the homebrew tools... obviously my brain tells me to code oldsk00l effects :D
So I'd like for fun to code some rasters effects (you know those ugly overscan bars !), so I looked into the docs and I found how to detect the HBL interrupts using the CSR register... that's ok but using C code I jsut find that I have to wait (in fact my code) this register to change (so a blocking call) until doing something (in this case changing bgcolor)...
So I'm wondering if in MIPS assembly it is possibe llike I was doing onb good old 68k CPU based machines to set a routine into a dedicated interrupt vector (in this case the HBL vector if existing) to automatically trigger this routine at each HBL ?
...or should I really make a virtual frame buffer and send it to the GS as a texture at each frame to be displayed within a screen sized square.... (which is really not as funny :D)
Other question, I read that the GS as a special mode or trick to draw particules effects, it is right ? Is it based on a particule texture + fog effect to simulate movement blur ? (I really wonder how to code a radial blurring effect with the GS but that will come later...)
Let's c0de ! :D
Coming from da oldschool scene, I'm starting developping things using the homebrew tools... obviously my brain tells me to code oldsk00l effects :D
So I'd like for fun to code some rasters effects (you know those ugly overscan bars !), so I looked into the docs and I found how to detect the HBL interrupts using the CSR register... that's ok but using C code I jsut find that I have to wait (in fact my code) this register to change (so a blocking call) until doing something (in this case changing bgcolor)...
So I'm wondering if in MIPS assembly it is possibe llike I was doing onb good old 68k CPU based machines to set a routine into a dedicated interrupt vector (in this case the HBL vector if existing) to automatically trigger this routine at each HBL ?
...or should I really make a virtual frame buffer and send it to the GS as a texture at each frame to be displayed within a screen sized square.... (which is really not as funny :D)
Other question, I read that the GS as a special mode or trick to draw particules effects, it is right ? Is it based on a particule texture + fog effect to simulate movement blur ? (I really wonder how to code a radial blurring effect with the GS but that will come later...)
Let's c0de ! :D