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Failed to open extra config file

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:00 pm
by Phe0nix
I am getting an error msg on the tv that no extra confi file was found. Can you tell me what to do to satisfy this error msg.


Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:04 pm
by Drakonite
What is giving you this error message?

I'm going to assume it's ps2link, but if you don't say what it giving you the error then no one really knows.

I think it's more of a warning than an error message. The extra config file in question is for loading extra things when ps2link starts up. It should be completely optional so unless ps2link is completely failing to work then don't worry about it :P

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 4:06 am
by Phe0nix
Thanks for the info.Man i can't beleive i was so ignorant and left out that information.Yes your right it was PS2link 1.24 but i just wanted to satisfy it by placing a extra configuation file "config.dat" in the root of my MC which is the path and file name of where it checks for the extra configuation file. I noticed an extra line in the IPCONFIG.DAT file that was in the PS2link 1.24 package.
mc0:conf.dat (extra line )

The program works fine as it is but i would like to know how to use this extra cofig.dat file. I renamed IPCONFIG.DAT' to config.dat and placed it at "mc0:conf.dat" but still get the error msg.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 10:50 am
by blackdroid
if you want to load extra irx files place them in mc0:conf.dat
you can check extra.cnf on an example how it should look like.
now that being said, if you load ps2link from cd, you dont have mcman loaded and can thereby not load mc0:conf.dat anyway ( yes I admit that leaving the mc0:conf.dat line in IPCONFIG.DAT for the iso was abit stupid ).


Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:03 pm
by Phe0nix
Thankyou for the response. I wanted to satisfy this msg and now i know how so thanks again. And no it wasn't stupid leaving a irrelevant
command line in the IPCONFIG.DAT for an .iso, but mearly an oversite.


Re: Thanks

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 7:54 pm
by Drakonite
Phe0nix wrote:I wanted to satisfy this error msg and now i know how so thanks again.
It's not an error message, it's a warning. The file is completely optional, if you don't have a need to load extra things then you don't need to use it...