Allright. I've got PS2Menu running now. How do I get an ELF, such as NAPLINK or a small compiled program of my own, onto a memory card. Is this even possible? Everything seems to assume I have an ethernet adapter for the PS2. I do not.
Is there ANY way I can get NAPLINK running on the PS2? I seem to be having issues with making a CD thats readable on the console, so thats out.
Getting Naplink on the memory card? ... tit&lid=54
Naplink bootable from memery card. How you get it on there just use nport or another tool.
Naplink bootable from memery card. How you get it on there just use nport or another tool.
Thanks. Now how do I get nPort on to the MC? I cant seem to get ANY other files besides the BADATA save onto the memory card. I use an Action Replay Evo Max to transfer data.apache37 wrote: ... tit&lid=54
Naplink bootable from memery card. How you get it on there just use nport or another tool.
I got it all working. I had to go out and buy some new CD's. The ones I was using were crap. Just basically made a CD with naplink on it, called the file on the CD BOOT.ELF and replaced the BOOT.ELF in the BADATA-SYSTEM dir. Now when the PS2 boots up with a compatible CD in the drive, the exploit loads Naplink instead of PS2Menu. I feel stupid for not figuring this out earlier.
On a side note, if I tried running Naplinkfrom the CD, it would come up with an error saying the program returned 12. What does that mean?
On a side note, if I tried running Naplinkfrom the CD, it would come up with an error saying the program returned 12. What does that mean?