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Tutorial: Homebrew Booting on Unmodified Consoles

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:27 am
by EugeneE3RD
Well, I'm a moderator of the Homebrew section at PS2 scene & I wrote several tutorials at PS2 Scene on how to help newbies to get the PS2 Indy Exploit & homebrew software on unmodified PS2's. I am posting it here also because it might help keep the newbies from keeping posting about how to get homebrew software to run on unmodified PS2 consoles. I have re-written parts of the tutorial because they pointed to file attachments on PS2 Scene.


It has come to my intention thru dlanor's post that the PS2 Indepedence Exploit will not work on PSTWO'S aka V12, Slim line PS2's. If you have the newer PS2 models, don't try to use the tutorial because it will not work.

To get this tutorial to work, you must have an older PS2 which are the ones which are larger than the current PS2's.

Homebrewing on unmodified consoles. To boot homebrew software on unmodified consoles, you have to use the PS2 Independence Exploit.

To use the PS2 Independence Exploit, you have to have a PS2 memory card with free space & a PS1 game, it must be an original PS1 game, backups don't work. You can't use a PS2 game, it must be a PS1 game because the exploit triggers a buffer overrun in the PS2 which is caused by loading a PS1 game. To get the Exploit onto your memory card, you must use a program to get it onto your memory card such as X-Port, Max, N-port, et al.

To easily get started with the PS2 Indy Exploit, download PS2 eXploit Made Easy from . Unzip the program & read the readme on how to use the program. The PS1 games which trigger the exploit are included, after unzipping the program, look for these text files which are games-eu.txt (Europe PS2's) & games-us.txt (American PS2's).

Before you start look for the region of your PS2, if you have a European PS2, your region is BEDATA-SYSTEM , if you have an American PS2, your region is BADATA-SYSTEM .

These are the regions:

BEDATA-SYSTEM.max (for users of Max)
BEDATA-SYSTEM.npo (for users of N-Port)
BEDATA-SYSTEM.p2m (for users of Xploder v4 software)
BEDATA-SYSTEM.xps (for users of Sharkport/X-Port)

American: (for users of Codebreaker via flash drive)
BADATA-SYSTEM.max (for users of Max)
BADATA-SYSTEM.npo (for users of N-Port)
BADATA-SYSTEM.p2m (for users of Xploder v4 software)
BADATA-SYSTEM.xps (for users of Sharkport/X-Port)

Now, use the one of the transfer programs to transfer the exploit to your mem card. If you own a X-port, make sure the PC & PS2 is connected together with the USB cable which comes with the X-port.

For N-port, you need your PS2 & PC have to be connected together thru ethernet cause N-port transfers saves thru the PS2 part of the Network Adapter so you need to own a Network Adapter & your PC & PS2 must be connected correctly.

After you install the PS2 Indy Exploit, insert a PS1 game into your PS2 & restart, if everything went well, you will see a white screen flash & then some text on the screen & after a little while, PS2MENU will load up.

Congradulations, you now have the PS2 Indy Exploit working.

Re: Tutorial: Homebrew Booting on Unmodified Consoles

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:31 am
by EugeneE3RD
Next tutorial is for people with a Japanese console:

To get the exploit on a Jap console using the X-Port, you will need to:

Download Exploit save Files - Xport format , PS2 Menu & Titleman frontend (win32) from ... load&cid=7

Download PS2 Save Builder from ... load&cid=1

Download Win32 command line XPort utility from ... eA&show=20
Unzip (Exploit save Files - Xport format). Then look for the X-Port file which says JA_SystemSave2506-436700.xps. This is the X-Port file for a Jap system. The file name is pretty large so rename JA_SystemSave2506-436700.xps to JAP.XPS.

Next, open up (Titleman frontend (win32) in your unzipping software & extract only the titleman.exe file into the same directory as your JAP.XPS file.

Next, unzip (PS2 Save Builder) into the same directory as your JAP.XPS file.

Next, unzip PS2MENU into the same directory as JAP.XPS.

Next, unzip Win32 command line XPort utility ( into the same directory as JAP.XPS.

Next, open up PS2 Save Builder (ps2save-builder.exe) & open up the JAP.XPS. Now push & hold down the ctrl key & highlight PS2IP.IRX, PS2LINK.IRX & PS2SMAP.IRX & right click on one of the files & select delete. Now save your XPS file. Now, highlight the TITLE.DB & right click on it & select extract. Close down PS2 Save Builder.

Now, we are going to use titleman.exe which is a command prompt program. If you have Windows 95 or Windows 98, just use a dos prompt. If you are Windows XP (I think that this might work for Windows 2000 or NT), select your start menu & select run & then enter cmd.

Since this is a command line prog, you have to type in what you want. Type this in titleman -a SCUS_000.67 (replace SCUS_000.67 with the name of the of your PS1 game's executable file). To find out, insert your PS1 game into your computer's cdrom/DVD (depeding on what you have). The executable will either start with SLUS, SLES, SCUS or SCED.

After you type in what you need on titleman, your game is then added to TITLE.DB

Now, look for the file called xpstool.exe , this is the command line utility for X-Port files. Now, you will want to get the TITLE.DB back into your JAP.XPS, for this, type this in XPSTOOL A JAP.XPS TITLE.DB . You must type this in using capital letters because the PS2 INDY Exploit files must be in capital letters for the exploit to run.

Exit your dos prompt or CMD (CMD is for Win XP).

Now, unzip PS2MENU into the same directory as JAP.XPS. PS2MENU will create a folder after it's unziped. Open up the PS2MENU folder & copy the ps2menu.elf to the same directory as JAP.XPS.

Now, open up a dos prompt or CMD, now do this:


Now, exit your dos prompt or CMD.

Now, you have the PS2 Indy Exploit. Now make sure the PC & PS2 is connected together with the USB cable which comes with the X-port. Then load up X-Port on your PC & PS2 & transfer JAP.XPS to your PS2's mem card.

Then insert the PS1 game which you listed in TITLE.DB into your PS2 & restart. If everyone was done correctly, you should see a white flash & PS2MENU will load up.

Congradulations, you know how the PS2 Indy Exploit on your JAP PS2.

Re: Tutorial: Homebrew Booting on Unmodified Consoles

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:41 am
by EugeneE3RD
New Tutorial: How to get homebrew on the mem card using Xport.

Well, since you now have PS2MENU on your mem card, you will probably now want to run some homebrew thru PS2MENU. Here is how we get homebrew of the mem card so you can run them thru PS2MENU. For this example, I am going use the freeware PS2 game written by Hermes which is called Pintor. Here is what is needed.

First, you have to download PS2 Save Builder. You can find PS2 Save Builder listed in my above post.

Next, you will need Pintor. Just do a search for Mcloader 1.25 on Google. Once you get Mcloader, open in up & look for pintor.rar.

Next, unzip PS2 Save Builder & Pintor into the same directory.

Now open up PS2 Save Builder & click of the file menu & select new & 2 files will be added called icon.sys & my.icn (don't delete these files). Now click on edit menu & select add files & the dialog box will open up & select pintor.elf & click on the open button on the lower right hand corner.

Now, chance the Root/ID which says NEW_FILE to something else. The Root/ID is what differentiates each save from each other. I like to change the ID name to the name of the prog for this example, change the Root/ID to Pintor. Now to the left of the light bulb icon is the icon which says Text. Click on the text icon & a window will load up which says:

Game Name: NEW_FILE
Save Name: Made with PS2 Save Builder

I also recommend changing Game Name & Save Name to the name of the prog so for this example, change both of these to Pintor & click OK.

Now we will save the prog, click on the file menu & click on save as & when the dialog box opens up select from the pulldown menu which save program you have & after selecting your save program, next save it as whatever filename you want.

PS2 Save Builder allows you to create saves for Shark-Port , X-Port 2, N-Port & Xpolder 4 Prof.

This tutorial will work with other homebrew software.

Next load up X-port & transfer the file you just created to your mem card.

Now, load up your PS2 with your PS1 game which will trigger the PS2 Indy Exploit & when PS2MENU loads up select R1 & select MC, then open up the directory which contains Pintor & load up the pintor.elf file which you can now play.

Congradulations, you now are able to play homebrew games on your unmodified PS2.

Beforewarned, most homebrew software won't run because most software is made to run from CD. Most progs made to run from host will run in PS2MENU since it has a IRX called fakehost.irx which is made to fool the progs to make it think it is running from host.

For example, most emulators won't run since they are made to run from CD's. Snes-station is a weird one, it will load up but you can't run any roms since it only supports loading roms from CD.

Re: Tutorial: Homebrew Booting on Unmodified Consoles

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 9:47 am
by EugeneE3RD
Next tutorial is for people who have an unmodified PS2 console with an HDD who have followed the above tutorials. Well, before PS2MENU can be able to access the HDD, you will have to create a HDD file partition.

First of all, you will need PS2 Save Builder (links are posted in my above posts) & DMS HDD format Tool. You can download DMS HDD format from ... DMS3_Tools .

Now, unzip PS2 Save Builder & DMS-HDD-FORMAT-1_0.ZIP into the same directory.

Now open up PS2 Save Builder & click of the file menu & select new & 2 files will be added called icon.sys & my.icn (don't delete these files). Now click on edit menu & select add files & the dialog box will open up & select HDDFRMT.ELF & click on the open button on the lower right hand corner.

Now, change the Root/ID to HDD Format & click on the Text Icon next to the light bulb & when the dialog box opens up change Game Name & Save Name to HDD Format.

Now we will save the prog, click on the file menu & click on save as & when the dialog box opens up select from the pulldown menu & select X-port 2 & save it as whatever filename you want to.

Next load up X-port & transfer the file you just created to your mem card.

Now, load up your PS2 with your PS1 game which will trigger the PS2 Indy Exploit & when PS2MENU loads up select R1 & select MC, then highlight the directory which contains HDD Format & open it up & select & run HDD Format. Now after HDD Format loads up, select create partition & select how much space you want to dedicate to your partition. After you select the size of your partition, conform it & HDD format will create the parition.

After the partition is created, you can use now PS2MENU to create directories on your HDD, you can also transfer progs from mem card, CD, et al to HDD which means you can use the tutorials above to put homebrew software on mem card & you can copy it to HDD from mem card using PS2MENU & once the software is on HDD, you must use PS2MENU to run it from HDD.

Graduations, you now are able to copy/run homebrew software from HDD's installed in your PS2.

There is a patched version of DMS HDD Format which supports larger HDD's but it was posted as an attachment at PS2 Scene.

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:00 am
by ooPo
Great work. Keep it up.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 2:00 am
by mrbrown
For clarification: the exploit has nothing to do with a "security flaw". It's just a buffer overrun error caused by sloppy programming.

Please don't spread the idea that the exploit circumvents any type of security. The exploit's original README explains pretty well (IMO anyway :) how it works, and if you need any further clarification please just ask :).

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 3:21 am
by Shazz
Eh eh Mr Brown I still wonder how did you find this buffer overflow (yep yep again a common but...), what was passing thru your brains... what was your idea ? You're definitively an ET in my opinion :D

Eugene, since there is a XPO/XPS/MAX converter available, a chapter using Max Drive AND PS2 Save Builder to do your own saves could be useful too...

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 7:47 am
by EugeneE3RD
Shazz wrote:Eh eh Mr Brown I still wonder how did you find this buffer overflow (yep yep again a common but...), what was passing thru your brains... what was your idea ? You're definitively an ET in my opinion :D

Eugene, since there is a XPO/XPS/MAX converter available, a chapter using Max Drive AND PS2 Save Builder to do your own saves could be useful too...
I'm thinking about this but right now, I don't own the Action Replay Max Evo yet but I am thinking of getting it this Wednesday because I have to go get my stitches out on Wednesday morning, I had 2 teeth pulled out last Thurdays.

Mr Brown, I just edited the tutorial to say buffer overrun instead of security flaw. Thanks for bringing it my attention. I have an unmodified PS2 console w/HDD running the exploit since earlier this year & it has been almost a year since I read the exploits readme. My bad.

I'm still amazaed at how Mr. Brown found this exploit because it has really opened up the PS2DEV doors since it allows homebrew software to run on PS2 consoles w/out a mod chip.

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 10:17 am
by Guest
I wouldn't be surprised if mrbrown explicitly looked for buffer overflows
in the code, but trying to find file i/o code following by the use of strcpy
or some such. Its not a stretch to think that just any any piece of such code would be subject to buffer overflow, considering how sloppy programmers can be. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:08 am
by mrbrown
Actually, I wasn't intially looking for it. I was digging around in ps1drv to see how it worked. Once I saw the routines to load and read TITLE.DB, it was at that point that I began actively searching for a buffer overflow. Previously, I had done all my searches for buffer overflows in the OSD (when I was actively looking for them :). That there could've been one in ps1drv never crossed my mind.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:36 pm
by EugeneE3RD
To people who own Codebreaker 8 or Action Replay Max Evo can now use these tutorials. There is a new release of PS2 Save Builder at ... ve_Builder . This new version can create save files for Codebreaker & Action Replay Max Evo in addition to creating saves for Sharkport/X-port, N-port & Xploder V 4.

If you own a Codebreaker or Action Replay Max Evo, just follow the tutorials above & when it says to save as an X-port file, save the file as a Codebreaker or a Max Evo file using the new version of PS2 Save Builder.


PS2 Save Builder has been updated to version 0.8x .

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 8:20 am
by s2h
Thanks Eugene, I've been posting for some time on Codebreaker saves and how to convert or create my own. Sweet!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:14 pm
by Wendys
SO how do you get a .elf program on to the ps2? it also has a .cff file that i think i'm suppost to also stick on there.. any ideas with a max

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:57 am
by Questarian
As a noobie to PS2 Dev, and I thought I’d add a FYI about my problems incase anyone else runs into the same thing:

I have the official Sony HDD and I ran into a little glitch trying to run the PS2MENU (v2.6b) program. I don’t know if it’s because I have an older PS2, or some other odd combination of things, but when I tried to run PS2MENU with my HDD installed it would hang up and all I would see on the screen was “it is currently using mode 4”

Because PS2MENU was working with the network adapter but not with the HDD installed, I thought it might be a partition issue, but looking at the tutorial it sounded as though you should normally be able to load PS2MENU then the HDD formatting tool (see tutorial).

I setup Key Launcher with the HDD formatter and a couple other tools, but I suppose you could just rename the HDD formatting .ELF to BOOT.ELF as well. Having Final Fantasy-XI on my HDD, I was a bit reluctant at first to use the HDD tool… For fear of having to reload everything… but adding partitions didn’t appear to harm anything.

As it turns out, I needed to create at least one user-defined partition before PS2MENU would function properly. Once that was done everything worked almost perfectly… The only thing I can’t do is use L1 to scroll through the active partitions. It seems that once PC2MENU encounters a Sony partition it locks up hard.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:28 pm
by Thanhda
shouldnt this be in the ps2 development section? would have been helpful.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:37 pm
by blackdroid
discussion in dev section is about development, not getting started, ps2 general is about such things not the latest colored joypad you can buy from liksang, remember this is after all a development discussion forum and nothing else.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:17 am
by Thanhda
quick question of tutor 1, first post. so if i didnt yet have the usb to pc. can i still test my homebrew game thru a burn cdr?

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:28 am
by EugeneE3RD
Thanhda wrote:quick question of tutor 1, first post. so if i didnt yet have the usb to pc. can i still test my homebrew game thru a burn cdr?
Only if you have a modchip in your system because an unmodified PS2 can only read offical PS1 CD's/offical PS2 CD's/DVD's. There are swap tricks but these are forbidden to speak about on Ps2dev because swap tricks can also be used to boot warez software.

If you need to know about swap tricks, goto .

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:38 am
by Thanhda
EugeneE3RD wrote:
Thanhda wrote:quick question of tutor 1, first post. so if i didnt yet have the usb to pc. can i still test my homebrew game thru a burn cdr?
Only if you have a modchip in your system because an unmodified PS2 can only read offical PS1 CD's/offical PS2 CD's/DVD's. There are swap tricks but these are forbidden to speak about on Ps2dev because swap tricks can also be used to boot warez software.

If you need to know about swap tricks, goto .
i have no care for piracy.
all i want to know is if i do the ps1 boot up, and swap disc with the homebrew game, will it work. if not i would have to use the usb adapter?

btw what is better PL-2301 USB<->USB or cross over + network adapter.

on the side about the moded ps2. if it was moded, do i even need the ps1 cd?

also for the usb boot up step, how do i get it to work, it says the lexar and the gateway flash drive will work, but it wont non of them will work for me. what is supose to show up when i place it in.

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:18 pm
by EugeneE3RD
Thanhda wrote:
EugeneE3RD wrote:
Thanhda wrote:quick question of tutor 1, first post. so if i didnt yet have the usb to pc. can i still test my homebrew game thru a burn cdr?
Only if you have a modchip in your system because an unmodified PS2 can only read offical PS1 CD's/offical PS2 CD's/DVD's. There are swap tricks but these are forbidden to speak about on Ps2dev because swap tricks can also be used to boot warez software.

If you need to know about swap tricks, goto .
i have no care for piracy.
all i want to know is if i do the ps1 boot up, and swap disc with the homebrew game, will it work. if not i would have to use the usb adapter?

btw what is better PL-2301 USB<->USB or cross over + network adapter.

on the side about the moded ps2. if it was moded, do i even need the ps1 cd?

also for the usb boot up step, how do i get it to work, it says the lexar and the gateway flash drive will work, but it wont non of them will work for me. what is supose to show up when i place it in.
No, even if you do swap a cd after loading the exploit, it will not work because of the protection that Sony put into the system, to get past this limitation, you will have to purchase a modchip.

If your PS2 is modded, you don't need the PS2 Independence Exploit. The exploit is pretty much for loading homebrew on unmodified PS2's.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:13 am
by dlanor
Since the whole idea of these tutorials is to head off possible newb posts about this subject, not only here in this thread but also elsewhere in these forums, I feel that one important piece of information needs to be emphasized. I mean the fact that there is no way to use the exploit on the latest models, the 'slims', PStwo, v12, or whatever we call them to distinguish them from a 'real' PS2.

I've seen plenty of newb complaints about not getting the exploit working, wasting time and bandwidth on discussions of their problems, and mentioning only after lots replies and followup posts that they were trying it on a v12... But you can't really blame them for it, if the tutorials don't make this stuff clear.

I suggest that you edit the first of your tutorial posts to make that clarification the first thing seen in this thread. You may also want to mention that their only way to boot homebrews without a mod-chip or disc swapping is through some commercial programs that support such booting.

I'd mention some by name, but I'm not sure if any of these subjects are 'allowed', knowing that at least three of those products are forbidden to mention here. Perhaps it may be enough simply to tell such users to look elsewhere...?

Best regards: dlanor

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:25 am
by Thanhda
dlanor wrote:EugeneE3RD:
Since the whole idea of these tutorials is to head off possible newb posts about this subject, not only here in this thread but also elsewhere in these forums, I feel that one important piece of information needs to be emphasized. I mean the fact that there is no way to use the exploit on the latest models, the 'slims', PStwo, v12, or whatever we call them to distinguish them from a 'real' PS2.

I've seen plenty of newb complaints about not getting the exploit working, wasting time and bandwidth on discussions of their problems, and mentioning only after lots replies and followup posts that they were trying it on a v12... But you can't really blame them for it, if the tutorials don't make this stuff clear.

I suggest that you edit the first of your tutorial posts to make that clarification the first thing seen in this thread. You may also want to mention that their only way to boot homebrews without a mod-chip or disc swapping is through some commercial programs that support such booting.

I'd mention some by name, but I'm not sure if any of these subjects are 'allowed', knowing that at least three of those products are forbidden to mention here. Perhaps it may be enough simply to tell such users to look elsewhere...?

Best regards: dlanor
okay, i just want to make this clear.
what i want to do. i want to compile my homebrew code. and get it working on my ps2. This is what i was told to do. get Codebreaker, pop the CD in, pop the USB flash card in, load it up into my memory stick, and use a Comercial Game to boot my Game.

My main question is this. In order to boot my game do i have to have it connected to the PC, or can i boot my "HOMEBREW" game of a burn CD.

btw i do have a normal ps2, not a slim one. bought it over a year ago. i dont know if its a v12 or not. and now sure how to find that out.

if i had a moded ps2, can i just place in my "HOMEBREW" game into it and work?

This was a quote frome the ps2xme 1stReadme which gives me the impression that i would be able to load my homebrew games into the ps2.

"Item 9) PS2MENU can be used to run programs off of an UMCDR formatted
recordable CD. Under the mcloader directory should be a CDGENPS2_3.0
directory containing cdgenPS2.exe This program can be used to create
UMCDR formatted images which can then be burned via CDRWIN or NERO (on
Linux, cdrdao can be used)."

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:00 am
by dlanor
Thanhda wrote:My main question is this. In order to boot my game do i have to have it connected to the PC, or can i boot my "HOMEBREW" game of a burn CD.
No. Once you have the exploit on the MC, together with what other programs and/or data files you want to use, no PC connection is needed. Booting the PS1 trigger disc should start your BOOT.ELF and then it is up to you what that will do (and what it will need). Many people prefer to install some generic ELF launcher (eg: LaunchELF) as the main BOOT.ELF, and then use that to start the homebrew program they currently work with. And as long as all the files used have been installed to the memory card, you still don't need any PC connection.

The reason for wanting a PC connection, and tools like ExecFTPs or PS2Link/NapLink, is that you'll probably want to experiment with more stuff, and need a way to easily add this stuff to the MC, or even (with PS2Link/NapLink) run programs residing on the PC, and using data files as well on the PC. Such experiments are of course impossible without a connection.
btw i do have a normal ps2, not a slim one. bought it over a year ago. i dont know if its a v12 or not. and now sure how to find that out
My comments to EugeneE3RD about the v12 issue had nothing to do with your discussion with him (which I never intended to enter). It was just a separate suggestion to him.

As for v12 identification, all v12 == 'slim' == PStwo, so you don't have one. Possibly later 'slims' may get higher model numbers, but as far as I know none such exist as yet.
if i had a moded ps2, can i just place in my "HOMEBREW" game into it and work?
If you mean 'boot it from a CD-R or DVD-R', then yes. Such booting is the main purpose of a mod-chip. But of course, even though it's a homeburnt disc, its content must still satisfy PS2 requirements apart from the one requirement removed by the mod-chip (the requirement for 'pressed' discs). However, this is NOT the right place for a discussion of that. (Would be too off-topic.)

Best regards: dlanor

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:35 am
by Thanhda
No. Once you have the exploit on the MC, together with what other programs and/or data files you want to use, no PC connection is needed. Booting the PS1 trigger disc should start your BOOT.ELF and then it is up to you what that will do (and what it will need). Many people prefer to install some generic ELF launcher (eg: LaunchELF) as the main BOOT.ELF, and then use that to start the homebrew program they currently work with. And as long as all the files used have been installed to the memory card, you still don't need any PC connection.
so would you swap your homebrew with the ps1 game? or do you have to store your game into the MC?

I do plan to use the ps2 to pc usb for easier compiling, but i would like to test my game out soon.

btw does codebreaker come with a usb <--> usb

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:51 am
by dlanor
Thanhda wrote:so would you swap your homebrew with the ps1 game? or do you have to store your game into the MC?
I would not choose swapping at all. There are lots of other ways to do it, although you do need some way to transfer the ELFs to some PS2 media. That is where a network connection of some kind is really useful, whether it's USB or Ethernet based. Other ways include using sharkport or similar device to transfer homebrews as 'saves' to the MC, or simply copying such saves or even straight ELFs to a USB pen drive and either move to MC from there or run the ELFs directly from such a drive. What best to use depends on what tools you already have, both as bought devices and ELFs already installed on MC. I could go on about it, as many other methods exist, but some of those methods involve tools frowned upon by admins of this site, so I'd better stop here...
I do plan to use the ps2 to pc usb for easier compiling, but i would like to test my game out soon.
Well, if you're in a hurry, then choose whatever method your present stuff allows.
btw does codebreaker come with a usb <--> usb
I know some models of CodeBreaker can use USB pen drives, but I'm not sure if they come with one included. (They aren't sold where I live.)

Best regards: dlanor

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:16 pm
by cory1492
CodeBreaker 8 & 9 and ARmax Evo (regardless of if you have the Evo that comes with a usb device or not) both have usb pendrive support for uploading savegames to the memory card.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:38 am
by Steve F
EugeneE3RD wrote:
Thanhda wrote:quick question of tutor 1, first post. so if i didnt yet have the usb to pc. can i still test my homebrew game thru a burn cdr?
Only if you have a modchip in your system because an unmodified PS2 can only read offical PS1 CD's/offical PS2 CD's/DVD's.
Has anyone in the dev community tried to address how to create 'official PS1 CD's/ official PS2 CD's/DVD's' for our homebrew games?

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 2:51 am
by ooPo
Someday we may cross that bridge when it happens... well, *IF* it happens.

For the amount of times people bring up needing a bootable cd for homebrew games you'd think there would be some available first.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:19 am
by Steve F
I am interested in persuing this. I have some experience with mkisofs. I didn't find any useful information on ps2dev forums but then again I don't yet know good search terms to find information on Sony's format. If you have any pointers to start with, i.e. other threads or common terms used during boot and execution, I'll appriciate the help.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:37 am
by J.F.
Get from the main site. That has an ISO that works with modded PS2s, or with the swap tricks and discs. There's no way to make a disc that boots without a mod or the swap tricks and discs, so the ps2link ISO provides all the info you need.