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DumpBios - Help with it.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:14 pm
by Ruffy
Now, the only code I want to run is dumpbios. All I want is a copy of my bios for future emulation purposes. PS2 homebrew stuff interest me but I havent got the time to really get into any of this. I'm not a programmer, although I can get around code.

Now im using a precompiled version of dumpbios because for the life of me, I couldnt compile it. After following steps from many places I managed to hose my cygwin. And ps2dev did not help. I was told the makefile was at fault. And read something about it here. In any case, I gave up. Till today when I was told to get the source+elf here.

So I burned a ps2link 1.2.4 cd. Booted the ps2. and tried running it, But this is all i get.

PS2 Dumps this
Bios dump util
- pukko

Read mem
open file for writing
open failed -1
Inlink 1.3.7 and every other Ps2 ps2link client spouts this
Setting Curent Directory to C:\inlink\.
Executing Elf host:C:\inlink\pukko.elf...
loadelf: fname host:C:\inlink\pukko.elf secname all
Input ELF format filename = host:C:\inlink\pukko.elf
0 00400000 00005d34 .
Loaded, host:C:\inlink\pukko.elf
start address 0x400570
gp address 00000000
open name host:/tmp/bios.bin flag 602 data 41378
[FILE] : Cannot Open tmp/bios.bin #0
open fd = -1
Thats what I get. I figure since im not running *nix* it's not working because of this line in the source.

Code: Select all

fd = fio_open("host:/tmp/bios.bin", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT);
I've tried compiling and running ps2client.exe through cygwin to get it working, but it doesnt. Can anyone help? Do I even need dumpbios?

Cant i use xlink or ps2client to dump the memory? Does it not hold what I need?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 4:14 pm
by Ruffy
Just wanna mention I can run other elfs just fine.

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:11 pm
by pixel
Think about it: it tries to open the file "/tmp/bios.bin". First, depending on your client, the "/" (root) may be redirected to the same directory as the elf file you ran. Now, does the "root" directory your client is using have a "tmp" directory so it can write the "bios.bin" file in... ?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:15 pm
by Ruffy
actually yes. since i ran it from within cygwin, and its / = c:\cygwin
and it does have a tmp directory

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:50 pm
by Drakonite
are you running it from the cygwin root or is it in some /home directory? ... I am not a fan of cygwin so I can't remember... From the look of the output log you need to make sure there is a tmp dir in the current dir when running it.

*slaps anyone who is using absolute paths for stuff like this*

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2004 7:18 pm
by pixel
ps2client should be removing any leading slash. Take that in consideration. And cygwin doesn't care about \ or /.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:39 am
by ooPo
Or hex-edit the path to just host:bios.bin. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 11:36 am
by Ruffy
ooPo wrote:Or hex-edit the path to just host:bios.bin. :)
I got it working, and this is exactly what I did.