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easy mc backup

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 10:52 am
by Toker
I wrote a simple wrapper script for ps2client to easily do a complete backup of a memory card. It simply recurses through all the directories and creates an identical structure in the local directory.

Code: Select all

# wrapper for ps2client to do complete MC backup
# USAGE: [dest] [src-mc]
#  [dest]   is local destination directory. Default is "mc0.YYYY-MM-DD.HHMM"
#  [src-mc] is memory card to backup. Default is "mc0:"
#  no warranty... unlikely to break anything,
#  no copyright... most people can whip this up in their sleep

# make sure we have what we need
for X in $PS2C $AWK $DATE ; do
	Z=`$X --version`
	if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then
		echo "### ERROR: '$X' not found"
		exit -1

DoDir() {	# $1 mc dir to process
	PS2Cmd="$PS2C dir $1"
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 
		echo -n "ERROR: '$PS2Cmd' returned:   "
		echo "PS2 probably need to be reset by running 'ps2client reset'"
		exit -1
	G=`echo "$T" | awk ' \$1 ~ /^-r/ { A=substr($0,45); print A } '`
	for F in `echo "$G"` ; do 
		Z=`$PS2C copyfrom "$1/$F" "$F"`
		if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR on copy."; fi
		# change to ' echo "$Z" ' to get long output
		echo $Z
		let Fcnt+=1
	unset IFS
	for D in `$PS2Cmd | awk ' \$1 ~ /^d/ && \$5 != "." && \$5 != ".." { print $5 } '` ; do
		echo "INFO: Descending into '$D' "
		Descend $D $1
		let Dcnt+=1

Descend () {	# $1 dir name, $2 current dir
	Z=`mkdir $1 2>&1`
	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: $Z"; exit -1; fi
	cd $1
	DoDir "$2/$1"
	cd ..
SRC="mc0:"			# default source (mc) ($2)
DEST="$SRC."`$DATE "+%F.%k%M"`	# default dest (local dir) ($1)
if [ -n "$1" ] ; then  DEST=$1; fi
if [ -n "$2" ] ; then  SRC=$2; fi
echo "Backing up '$SRC' to '$DEST'"

Z=`mkdir $DEST 2>&1`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: $Z"; exit -1; fi
cd $DEST
DoDir $SRC
echo "SUMMARY:  $Dcnt directories, $Fcnt files  processed."

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:00 pm
by ooPo
Aha! Good stuff.

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:08 am
by Toker
I have been looking into why I needed to put the error-check for dir/copy failing.
It appears it is related to 'dopen'.
If I do 'dir mc0:' repetitively, it will fail on the 50th attempt.
Copying a file with copyfrom never fails (1500+ repeats -- ~175MB in all).
I also tried hdd0: and mass: (just for the 'dir' test), and mass: has the same problem, but not hdd0. (I'm using the napalm usbd.irx, and the usb_mass.irx from cvs).
I'm certain the problem isn't in ps2client, ps2link, or ps2netfs. (but maybe iomanx? filexio?)
I've searched but haven't found anything relevant (except the drivers on the rom do have bugs, such as the rmdir function) yet, so if anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate it...