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Yabasic crash

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:27 pm
by Shine
When entering aaaaaaaaaaaa....=0 in Yabasic, but with 40,000 a's (you can use copy/paste to create such a long string very fast), then on start the interpreter crashs (not with 20,000, I haven't checked the exact limit).

I discovered this bug while trying to find another bug: In the source code of Yabasic ( , see Download) there is a function "strip" in main.c, which can cause a buffer overflow (strcpy on a 300 byte buffer) with long identifiers, but looks like it doesn't occur. The other crash looks like some 32,768 limit in the parser (perhaps the Flex/Bison sources) part of Yabasic, because the program is not executed.

Perhaps Yabasic crashs, because a return pointer on stack is overwritten. Is it possible to write a Basic program, which contains machine code, which will be executed on this bug?

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 12:41 pm
by Guest
Congratulations, you now understand the basics of buffer overflow attacks.

Of course, anything that suffers a buffer overflow is vulnerable to being hijacked. How far you can get with it is another matter.