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Optimising VIF transfers

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 8:56 pm
by Shazz

I've got a question about VIF->GIF DMA packets optimisation, currently I'm sending to the VU a bunch of 4 vertices geometry information (ST RGBAQ XYZ2)*4 after the TEX01 texture information

So I was wondering, why only 4 ? As I'm using Triangle strips, why not sending in one paquet 40 vertices and associated data ? I've got 16Kb to fill !

But as I need to fill the NREGS register, it only permits me to send 16 different GIF registers so how can I send 40*3+1 = 121 regs in one packet ? Should I resend a GIF tag/PRIM each 16 regs ?

And is it obvious that this is better to send few large VIF packets after having computing all geometry information than lots of "small" ones but non blocking and doing MIPS computation within dma sends...

Hope I'm clear enough...

Code: Select all

        *((u64*)p_data)++ = DMA_CNT_TAG( 14 );

        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_STCYL,0,0x0404 );

        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_UNPACK_V4_32,14, 4);  //14 blocks 4*u32, starting at index 4

        // GS_SETREG_PRIM(prim, iip, tme, fge, abe, aa1, fst, ctxt, fix)
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = GIF_TAG( 1, 1, 1, GS_SETREG_PRIM( GS_PRIM_PRIM_TRISTRIP,
                                              1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 13  );
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = (u64)(0x5125125125126);             

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 9:52 pm
by Saotome
the NREG registers in REGS are repeated NLOOP times. so actually you just need to write "XYZ2 RGBAQ ST" once into REGS and set NLOOP to 40 and send your 40(x3) values.
you can find this on page 143 in the EE user's manual ("5.4 REGLIST Mode")

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 1:54 am
by Shazz
Yeeeh you're right, how I missed that ?

And for the TEX01 register how can I pass it only one time as it is part of sub PRIM registers ?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:30 pm
by blackdroid
you can send giftags directly to gif via vif, so in your vifstream you could start with VIF[DIRECT] and then the GIF tags you want, then continue with VIF[MPG]/VIF[UNPACK]

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 10:11 pm
by emoon
This is usually good when you want to set "renderstates".
change alpha/active texture/turn off zbuffer testing/etc


Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:41 pm
by Shazz
Eh eh during the Iradium party last weekend I have decided to write a 64K based on my former VU code...

Speaking about that I had some issues with the PBDemolib, especially with the TextureUpload. I had to rewrite mien as if you use the TextureUpload for example at each frame to make a kind of 2D effect (modifying a bitmap buffer and send it as a texture) it was freezing (probably a pb of memory allocation, I wrote a textureupload using the same buffer and not doing sprAlloc each time... ) so emoon, I'd like to have your feedback...

But thinking about it, I saw that raizor, emoon, jar were using the renderTargets to code some kind of blur and radial effects but I really did not understand anything of how it is working....

Can anybody explain me how it works and the things behind ???


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:12 am
by blackdroid
you render to some offplace in vram by setting the fbp, then you change the fbp to your "normal" frame buffer and use the rendered offplace as texture and draw it.

or maybe you are really wondering about the builtin frame blur in the pcrtc ?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 1:50 am
by Shazz
hum, coming back to the DIRECT vif code... I've got a problem with it :

Code: Select all

        // send DIRECT giftag using path 2 with texture settings

        *((u64*)p_data)++ = DMA_CNT_TAG( 2 );
        *((u32*)pChain)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_NOP, 0, 0 );
        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_DIRECT, 0, 2);
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = GIF_TAG( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 );
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = 0x6;
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = PbTextureGetTex0( p_texture );
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = 0;  // 0 : only lower is significant

        // Build the data we need to send to the vu1

        *((u64*)p_data)++ = DMA_REF_TAG( (u32)&final_matrix, 4 );
        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_STCYL,0,0x0404 );
        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_UNPACK_V4_32, 4,0 );
        // Add giftag and vertex data

        *((u64*)p_data)++ = DMA_CNT_TAG( 1+(10*LOOPSIZE) );
        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_STCYL,0,0x0404 );
        *((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_UNPACK_V4_32, 1+(10*LOOPSIZE), 4 );

        *((u64*)p_data)++ = GIF_TAG( LOOPSIZE, 1, 1, GS_SETREG_PRIM( GS_PRIM_PRIM_TRIANGLE,
                                          1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), 0, 10 );
        *((u64*)p_data)++ = (u64)(0x5125125126);
The first block using the DIRECT VIF code makes the screen to freeze... what's wrong ?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 2:39 am
by Saotome
maybe a typo?

Code: Select all

*((u32*)pChain)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_NOP, 0, 0 ); 
*((u32*)p_data)++ = VIF_CODE( VIF_DIRECT, 0, 2);
shouldn't the "pChain" be a "p_data"?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2005 3:27 am
by Shazz

Copy/paste will kill me...
But why the hell this NOP is needed ? to have data aligned on qw ?)

NOP.... nop nop nop...

but it works now :D thanks..