usb_mass compilation and makefile
Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:52 pm
i have a question why usb_mass has these things on the makefile?
whit these i get error in the first line of build-imports.c
i resolved like this
also i noticed it's not updated the version statement showed on load time i downloaded all the sources from the cvs and when i load it i get:
usb_mass: version 0.22
Code: Select all
# A rule to build imports.lst.
%.o : %.lst
echo "#include \"irx_imports.h\"" > build-imports.c
cat $< >> build-imports.c
$(IOP_CC) $(IOP_CFLAGS) build-imports.c -o $@
-rm -f build-imports.c
i resolved like this
Code: Select all
# A rule to build imports.lst.
%.o : %.lst
echo #include "irx_imports.h" > build-imports.c
cat $< >> build-imports.c
$(IOP_CC) $(IOP_CFLAGS) build-imports.c -o $@
-rm -f build-imports.c
usb_mass: version 0.22