When PSP Linux?

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When PSP Linux?

Post by Buzzard »


Sony is announcing Linux as a basic OS for the PS3, and the ability for others to add their own. They see this for development of third party computer applications for the PS3, so that it may be regarded seriously as a real computer. So if they are serious about Linux, how come no Linux for the PSP?

We knew about rumours of Linux for the PS2 before the release of the PS2, yet for the PSP we hear nothing.

Without an Official OS, it is likely that Sony can keep updating the Firmware (including offering games that require the update) to prevent homebrew Linux from being very effective.

What I suggest for Sony:

Versions of the PSP with OS (and PDA/word processing software, TV out, Mobile phone and DVB receiver) would be a wonderful machine in keeping with the PS3 Linux philosophy. Another highly advanced addition I would like to see, is the Toas Java related Elate/Intent VOS system (even in the more advanced Amiga version). Of which Sony, and a number of others, are investors and partners in the Open Contents Platform Association:


This is probably by far the most advanced commercially available low end OS system built for game creation and available as a Java enabled plug in for Linux.

So Sony, there is the challenge (and a hi-res tablet version).

Now for the rest of us, has anybody heard of anything.

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Post by mrbrown »

Regular site users know by now that posts such as these don't fly. This isn't the dumping ground for every random wish that pops into your head.

"He was warned..."