This assumes that the psp toolchain is installed and the path to it is in the cygwin profile.
1. Create a batch file called psp-make.bat. Put it in for example c:\pspdev\. If your psp has another drive letter than E:\, change
PSP_MOUNT. It should contain this:
Code: Select all
@\cygwin\bin\bash -c 'export VS_PATH=`pwd`; export PSP_MOUNT=/cygdrive/e; /bin/bash --login -c "cd $VS_PATH; %1 %2 %3 %4 %5"'
Code: Select all
CMD=`echo $0 | sed -e 's/\([^-]*-\)//'`
$CMD 2>&1 $@ | sed -e 's/\([^:]*\):\([0-9][0-9]*\)\(.*\)/\1 (\2) \3/'
Code: Select all
$ ln -s vs-psp-gcc vs-psp-g++
Code: Select all
Build command line: c:\pspdev\psp-make.bat make kxploit
Output: projname.elf
Clean commands: c:\pspdev\psp-make.bat make clean
Rebuild command line: c:\pspdev\psp-make.bat make clean kxploit
Code: Select all
Command: c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe
Command Arguments: /c c:\pspdev\psp-make.bat make kx-install
Code: Select all
ifneq ($VS_PATH),)
CC = vs-psp-gcc
CXX = vs-psp-g++
kx-install: kxploit
ifeq ($(PSP_MOUNT),)
@echo '*** Error: $$(PSP_MOUNT) undefined. Please set it to for example /cygdrive/e'
@echo if your PSP is mounted to E: in cygwin.
With the 'Start Debug' Command it will copy the build to a connected PSP.
Step 1-3 only has to be done once, and 4-6 has to be done for each project.
If you like you can put the content of step 6 in /usr/local/pspdev/psp/sdk/lib/build.mak instead and only do it once.
Hope this helps anyone eager to use their beloved visual studio ;)