AgenaWorld 1.1 - first homebrew to support multiplayer

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AgenaWorld 1.1 - first homebrew to support multiplayer

Post by edepot »

AgenaWorld 1.1 has been released. Its the first multiplayer homebrew game available for PSP 1.0 and PSP 1.5 firmware. You can download it

It works, but you need to resync by pressing the triangle button now and then, or slow down your cpu speed (an option in the game). But it is pretty fun blasting each other. This game looks the the "asteroids" game Ceres (also on that site).

Agena World is a little like the "homeworld" pc game on the PC.
You can donate via AgenaWorld website to get registered and you can
get more mission objectives. The author will add feature to visit planets
and walk around if enough people register. see the readme.txt file inside.

Note that if you get stuck in a corner, try hyperspacing out (press the right trigger to hyperspace). The porting to pspsdk and infra-red
stuff took higher precedence in this release. Not hardware accelerated
yet, so all the 3D is still in software.

The following is from the readme file...


AgenaWorld Version 1.1 July 25, 2005

Runs on PSP firmware 1.0 and PSP firmware 1.5

AgenaWorld is a classic space shooting game similar to (and a little aiming
towards) the "Homeworld" PC game, but has its own unique features.
Press Triangle Button in game to see mission objective. Supports
multiplayer (PSP to PSP) via infrared. See below for more details.

There is only one mission objective that you have currently installed.
Registered users get special unlocked versions of the game
with more mission objectives and ability to research advanced technology.
You got this program free, so consider encouraging the author
to make even better games by donating and registering.
With enough donations, the author will add the ability to visit different solar systems and planets. You will also get the ability to land and "walk around" on them.

To register, make a donation by visiting the Agenaworld website...

Please visit the website for latest versions and other fantastic homebrew
software for the PSP. Including LuLines and Ceres, an "Asteroids" type of game.

If you do not want to donate, you can purchase some art products
at as a token of appreciation,
but will include a free registration if you ask for one.


If two PSP's have AgenaWorld installed, just aim the infrared
ports at each other and start the games on both. If the other player
is detected, they will show up in the radar. To manually sync or to
resync after no signal, you can slow your CPU speed down until
they show up in the radar again. A better way is to press the
triangle button (status screen) until they show up and close the
window when they have reappeared. This is the first release,
so the timing is not that stable yet. Just use this method
whenever the other player loses sync. Otherwise, the slow CPU
will work, but the game slows down a bit.

When both are in sync, you can shoot at each other and see
each other. Note each player can't destroy ufos or asteroids
of the other player, only the spaceship of the other player.
In this version, you can't collide into each other.

** Adding your own songs **

It is possible to have your own music playing in the background
instead of the default Agenaworld songs. You just have to
convert them to wave files (with extension .wav). Make sure
they are stereo channel and 16 bit, while the bitrate can vary.
Not that the program won't load the song if it is too big in
size, so convert it to the lowest bitrate possible and work
your way up to a higher bitrate testing to see if it loads
in the game. The files a.wav, b.wav, c.wav and d.wav are
the song files. up.wav, down.wav, left.wav, and right.wav
are the sound effects.


Notice: If you provide this program (zip file) for download on your website, please
consider dedicating a webpage describing the game and also on that webpage place a
link to the AgenaWorld homepage URL:
Placing the link on static webpages are preferred over dynamically generated pages
(like forum posts).

Suggested link title: AgenaWorld homebrew game for PSP.


If you press the "SELECT" button the program will provide a screendump of the
current PSP screen to the installation directory (which depends on which firmware
that your PSP has.

For firmware 1.0:

For firmware 1.5:
"/psp/game/agenaworld 1/screendump.bmp"
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