Rotation of View Matrix for SceGumLookAt ... PLEASE HELP!

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Rotation of View Matrix for SceGumLookAt ... PLEASE HELP!

Post by roland »

I am slowly loosing my head on this problem..

I am trying to navigate through a small little world of 3d objects and would like to implement a FPS Like camera using SceGumLookAt.

I read tons of Tutorials and the best I came up with now is an orbiting Camera.. I am a real n00b in regards of Vector Math etc. so I am really hoping that this time, somebody out there can help me..

This is the code I use:

Code: Select all

static void mult_matvec(const ScePspFMatrix4 *m,
						const ScePspFVector4 *vi, ScePspFVector3 *vo)
	vo->x = m->x.x*vi->x+m->y.x*vi->y+m->z.x*vi->z+m->w.x*vi->w;
	vo->y = m->x.y*vi->x+m->y.y*vi->y+m->z.y*vi->z+m->w.y*vi->w;
	vo->z = m->x.z*vi->x+m->y.z*vi->y+m->z.z*vi->z+m->w.z*vi->w;

// Camera



	vec2.x = center.x;
	vec2.y = center.y;
	vec2.z = center.z;
	vec2.w = 1.0f;
	mult_matvec(&m, &vec2, &center);

	vec2.x = eye.x;
	vec2.y = eye.y;
	vec2.z = eye.z;
	vec2.w = 0.0f;
	mult_matvec(&m, &vec2, &eye);


	sceGumLookAt( &eye, &center, &up ); // Set viewpoint matrix	
Thank you in advance for your help!!

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