Sega/Mega CD on PSP

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Sega/Mega CD on PSP

Post by Weaver1497 »

How much more complex is the Sega/Mega CD to add to current Genesis/Megadrive emulators? I had one when I was younger and loved it, anyone with any knowledge of why this hasn't popped up for the PSP yet?
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Post by J.F. »

The SEGA CD is relatively simple compared to the Genesis, BUT remember that you're adding it onto the Genesis. Given current Genesis emulations already stress the PSP, the SEGA Genesis+CD emulation would have to be like old PC SEGA emulators - 99% assembly.

I used to do all-assembly emulators back in the 90's, and I've thought about doing this particular emulator as assembly for the PSP. Just haven't gotten the gumption to start on it yet.
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Post by Weaver1497 »

That makes sense. I used to LOVE all those Dragon's Lair type games that the Sega CD had! Time Gal, Space Ace, and Double Switch! Those games rocked! What shocks me is that besides the CD support for current PC Engine/TurboGrafx emulators, and NJ's NeoGeo CD emulator. The PSP has very few CD based Emulators. 3DO, CDI, etc. I guess they most be pretty difficult to pull off.

And J.F. If you need any motivation for "gumption" I'm sure myself and other Sega CD fans would love to see something on the PSP!
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Post by J.F. »

I've got a number of those SEGA CD games, my favorites being EWJ:SE, Battlecorps, and SONIC CD. I actually still have my Genesis+CD+32X set up. It's hooked to an old Amiga 1084 monitor via RGB cable. Awesome picture for such an old system.
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