I've just got my PSP and I just started installation of psptoolchain :)
I think I found a bug in psptoolchain/scripts/001-binutils-2.16.1.sh:
at the line that apply the patch, it reads:
cd binutils-2.16.1 && cat ../../patches/binutils-2.16.1-PSP.patch | patch -p1 || { exit 1; }
while it should read:
cd binutils-2.16.1 && cat ../patches/binutils-2.16.1-PSP.patch | patch -p1 || { exit 1; }
as pwd in that moment is <path>/psptoolchain/binutils-2.16.1
and patch file is in ../patched/...
That caused the 'Invalid configuration' message then when ./configure was launched...