I think this info could be of interest for those creating plugins for the vsh, so they know what they can expect of memory in vsh. The partitioning in the vsh in the slim is quite different, I knew about the 48 MB of user ram before but I hadn't listed the rest of partitions until today:
Kernel memory: 6 MB instead of 4, kernel memory ends at 0x88600000-1.
Volatile memory: 2 MB instead of 4.
User memory: 48 MB instead of 24
UmdCache: doesn't exist.
Me: I don't know if it is really for ME, but there is a partition of 8 MB, against the 4 used for ME in other modes.
Volatile memory is same in game mode, as it has to keep compatibility with fat, and the volatile lock and unlock functions can be used by games. In game mode, volatile memory is not used only for sleep mode, but also for utility dialogs, that's why they need 4 MB instead of just 2.
Good to know. I suspected it was probably the same or we'd have seen more problems from apps that used the volatile memory, but suspecting is not the same as knowing. :)