Code: Select all
ms0:/PSP/GAME/LUMINES3/> Exception - Syscall
Thread ID - 0x04194477
Th Name - user_main
Module ID - 0x04197239
Mod Name - "Lumines3"
EPC - 0x088A4300
Cause - 0x90000020
BadVAddr - 0x00CAD000
Status - 0x20088613
zr:0x00000000 at:0x2008FF00 v0:0x089C0000 v1:0x00000000
a0:0xC3000000 a1:0xC3000003 a2:0x488BEAAC a3:0x00000001
t0:0x088BEAA8 t1:0x00000002 t2:0x00000000 t3:0xBD400000
t4:0x09FBFD28 t5:0x00001E04 t6:0x08835D10 t7:0x20088600
s0:0x089C3870 s1:0x09FBFDB8 s2:0x00000001 s3:0x09FBFED0
s4:0x00000024 s5:0x00000013 s6:0xDEADBEEF s7:0xDEADBEEF
t8:0x880A0000 t9:0x00000000 k0:0x09FBFF00 k1:0x00000000
gp:0x088C31E0 sp:0x09FBFD20 fp:0x09FBFD28 ra:0x08835AF8
0x088A4300: 0x03E00008 '....' - jr $ra
Code: Select all
; ======================================================
; Subroutine sceGe_user_E0D68148 - Address 0x000A0000
; Imported from sceGe_user
sceGe_user_E0D68148: ; Refs: 0x00082FE4 0x000836FC
0x000A0000: 0x03E00008 '....' - jr $ra
0x000A0004: 0x00000000 '....' - nop
Code: Select all
0x00031898: 0xAFC20000 '....' - sw $v0, 0($fp)
0x0003189C: 0x8FC3000C '....' - lw $v1, 12($fp)
0x000318A0: 0x8FC2001C '....' - lw $v0, 28($fp)
0x000318A4: 0x00621821 '!.b.' - addu $v1, $v1, $v0
0x000318A8: 0x8FC20008 '....' - lw $v0, 8($fp)
0x000318AC: 0x0062102A '*.b.' - slt $v0, $v1, $v0
0x000318B0: 0x14400007 '..@.' - bnez $v0, loc_000318D0
0x000318B4: 0x00000000 '....' - nop
0x000318B8: 0x8FC30008 '....' - lw $v1, 8($fp)
0x000318BC: 0x8FC2000C '....' - lw $v0, 12($fp)
0x000318C0: 0x00621023 '#.b.' - subu $v0, $v1, $v0
0x000318C4: 0xAFC20020 ' ...' - sw $v0, 32($fp)
0x000318C8: 0x0800C636 '6...' - j loc_000318D8
0x000318CC: 0x00000000 '....' - nop
Now that I have the (probably excessive) background out of the way, my question is; What's the difference between running the prx from ms0: vs. from my drive (via host0:)?
I've tried researching / debugging this myself for the last few days, but haven't had much success, so I thought it was time to post. If you need any more info just let me know, I'll try to get right back to you on it. I didn't post any code or my makefile since it all compiles and runs fine when launched from host0:.