Newtons Game Physics SDK!!

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Newtons Game Physics SDK!!

Post by sg57 »

ok, on that sight is a downlaod of the SDK for Newtons GamePhysics which would include 3d homebrewing much easeier as it comes with tuts and examples, now is this possible to complie into the PSPSDK? i just tried running make in one of the examples, and i getrm -f *.o i dunno what that means but no compliation error or nothing so im wondering what this means, and i would post this in hte PSPSDK forums, but no one ver really looks there as much as here and this is software developemtn really, so i hope this is possible so more 3d homebrews come out seeinga show the physics in that SDK that were made said they were exact, just try some of the test games they made with that, specially the one with the race track, i hope to port that into the psp for a cool game if i can get hte source
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Post by charliex »

i don't believe th esource code is available, only precompiled libs for windows, osx and linux, ODE is the only one available that i know off
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Post by sg57 »

is that for te game or newton SDK itself? i was just wodnerng if its possible to implement that SDK thing ito the PSPSDK, becuase after installing it anywhere, there are headers and libs and .a things and makefiles and configure things and stuff
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Post by HaQue »

if you get rm -f *.o

it looks like a cleanup command.

"rm" = remove or delete
"-f" = --force, ignore nonexistent files, never prompt
"*.o" = all .o files (object files)

does it actually compile and produce the binaries or whatever it is supposed to? If so, looks like the makefile just cleans up the leftovers after compilation, or after an error.
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Post by urchin »

I contacted them a while ago about a PS2 port, but they said they will only keep the source code in-house and don't have enough resources for any other platforms.
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Post by stefan.buddle »

it is the SDK including toutorils and headser and examples thats just bout it....from what im seeing no source code at all
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