extern void fillScreenRect(Color color, int x0, int y0, int width, int height);
the color however is not in ABGR, it is in some other format that is only 1 large number. I know that there is some kind of conversion to alter the alpha channels of the color. I have seen in some other posts that they use (i guess) bitshifting. however i don't really know what it is and how i can use it for this problem. The examples i could find only work the other way around. they work from that colorcode to AGBR and i need the other way.
void fillScreenRect(Color color, int x0, int y0, int width, int height)
if (!initialized) return;
int skipX = PSP_LINE_SIZE - width;
int x, y;
Color* data = getVramDrawBuffer() + x0 + y0 * PSP_LINE_SIZE;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++, data += skipX) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++, data++) *data = color;
Hi, i will try that one. My own solution was to create an image and then replace the pixels every loop with a less alpha value but filling the whole picture slows it down alot, now it is only for transition between screen so interaction or anitmation is not neccesary so the slowing doesn't show to the user but i guess this methode is alot quicker i will try this one thanks