Rounding technique required?

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Rounding technique required?

Post by KawaGeo »

Hi, everybody!

We know all Lua numbers are floats, no integers available. However, integers are required for the arguments in most Lua Player functions. Hence, rounding technique is necessary. Here is the evidence in the code.

Code: Select all

-- circleTest.lua by Geo Massar, 2005  (aka kawageo)

PI2 = math.pi * 2

function math.round(num, dp)
  local mult = 10^(dp or 0)
  return math.floor(num  * mult + 0.5) / mult

function drawCircleOn(image, x0,y0, radius, segments, color)
  -- x0,y0 is the center of the circle
  local x1,y1, x2,y2
  x1, y1 = x0, y0 + radius
  for i = 1, segments do
    x2 = math.round(x0 + radius * math.sin(PI2*i/segments))
    y2 = math.round(y0 + radius * math.cos(PI2*i/segments))
    image:drawLine(x1,y1, x2,y2, color)
    x1,y1 = x2,y2

function magnifyOn(image, mag)
  mag = mag or 2           -- 2 times in size by default
  local w = image:width()  
  local h = image:height()
  local result = Image.createEmpty(mag*w, mag*h)
  for x = 0, w-1 do
    for y = 0, h-1 do
      result:fillRect(mag*x, mag*y, mag,mag, image:pixel(x,y))
  return result

--------------------- main routine -------------------------

green =, 255, 0)

panel = Image.createEmpty(30, 30)

drawCircleOn(panel, 24,5,  5,  4, green)       -- a fat diamond
drawCircleOn(panel, 24,24, 5, 12, green)       -- a small circle
math.round = function(num, dp) return num end  -- no rounding
drawCircleOn(panel, 5,5,   5,  4, green)
drawCircleOn(panel, 5,24,  5, 12, green)

panel = magnifyOn(panel, 4)
left = (480 - panel:width()) / 2
top = (272 - panel:height()) / 2
screen:blit(left, top, panel)

screen:save "screen.tga"

while true do
The result is displayed below. The symbols on the left side are resulted without rounding. They are badly distorted whereas the symbols on the other side look perfect due to the rounding technique.


The question: Is it our responsibility to make sure all arguments are in pure integers OR should Lua Player take care of the rounding business?

NOTE: The code was tested on Lau Player for Windows. I presumed the same thing for a real PSP. (I don't have a PSP with version 1.5 yet. It is on the way, by the way. :)
Geo Massar
Retired Engineer
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