I was trying to produce a standalone EBOOT.PBP for a lua script, so I tried to use the standalone makefile, (as in svn), and I found a few minor issues.
I created another adhoc Makefile (mixing the common and standalone Makefiles) and I managed to run the standalone PBP sucessfully in OE 303. The issues seem trivial, (unless I am messing up), I thought I would post them:
* The original Makefile.psp-standalone imports Makefile.psp.common, and the end TARGET remains luaplayer (thus creating luaplayer luaplayer% and luaplayer.elf/prx). I tend to think the target should be appshortname, so the appshortname{%} and appshortname.elf/prx are generated.
* The original Makefile tries to copy System files to a folder that does not exist. adding
Code: Select all
mkdir -p $(APPSHORTNAME)/System
On a side note, in 303OE, I don't know why, but copying the kxploited target target% into PSP/GAME150 the PSP restarts when launching the standalone PBP. Another lua developer reproduced this with his script.
I tried generating a single EBOOT.PBP in "target", containing the user mode target.prx (since in OE) and changed the "pack-pbp" line so it uses $(APPSHORTNAME).prx as the penultimate argument in the Makefile (In summary, no need to kxploit in OE). The final "target" folder, containing the EBOOT.PBP with target.prx and the System files and app scripts is copied to PSP/GAME150 and the application launches and executes ok.
Edit: one bullet did not apply, removed. Last bullet edited for clarity