Programmer wanted for PS3 SDK for Force feedback wheels

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Programmer wanted for PS3 SDK for Force feedback wheels

Post by Fanatec »

Hello PS3 developers

We are developers of High-end Force feedback racing wheels for PS3 and looking for a programmer who can help us to port our PC driver for Force Feedback wheels to the Playstation 3.

Fanatec made the official Playstation 2 wheel in Europe and we are a license partner of Sony Computer Entertainment which will help us with development tools if needed.

Create a SDK for games developers which describes how to implement our racing wheels into their games.
The SDK contains:
- A description of the wheels and all its functions
- source code sample which has the functionality of a "driver" and can be implemented by any game developer
- Description how to use the source code and how Force Feedback works.

There is already a very similar SDK available for the Logitech wheels and we basically need the same SDK for our products.
We can supply the source code of our PC driver.

In the long run we also require that you give the game developers technical support for the SDK.
This job will bring you in contact with the game developers of all major development studios and with Sony as well.

It is hard to for us to evaluate the complexity of the project so we would like to get a quotation for the complete project after you evaluated it.

Further information:

Please contact me directly by a personal message

Thomas Jackermeier
Endor AG/ Fanatec
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